Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 229 total)

  • RE: conversion from varchar to datetime

    Thanks to both of you!!  I so appreciate your help.  It is now working!  I fixerd one conversion and left a second untouched and therefore got the error again.  When...

  • RE: conversion from varchar to datetime

    ok guys, I have tried all three options here and still get the error that it is having trouble converting varchar to datetime.  HELP!!!  Keep those SQL brain juices flowing!!! ...

  • RE: conversion from varchar to datetime

    declare @dSTART_DATE datetime

    declare @Time datetime

    set @dStart_Date= getdate()

    Set @Time = '08:26:00'

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@dSTART_DATE,101) + ' ' + convert(varchar(10),@Time,108)





    01/27/2006 08:26:00

    (1 row(s) affected)



  • RE: Foreign Key constraint issue

    No, the issue here is USER ERROR!!!  Geez, I was trying to insert into the wrong database!!  What an idiot....sorry everyone!!  But.....I have another issue that you can help me...

  • RE: sorting a date within convert syntax

    but of course!! 


  • RE: sorting a date within convert syntax

    SQLBill............YOU ROCK!!!  Thanks a ton, that worked perfectly!!

  • RE: Recreating jobs on server

    Well, from the looks of things where I see the jobs in the system tables, I would say yes.  I cannot tell you that for sure, because it was the...

  • RE: Recreating jobs on server

    so if they are in the msdb database (which they are), how do I get to see them in the JOBS node under Managment/SQL Server Agent??????

  • RE: Putting db in single_user mode

    Gotcha...take charge..kick 'em off....headed there now!!!

  • RE: SQL SERVER Error 22029

    Thanks a ton Martin!!!  Happy Turkey Day!!!

  • RE: SQL SERVER Error 22029

    Ok, now I have run DBCC CHECKDB and found that there are no allocation errors but 849 consistency errors in a specified table!!!!  GEEZ!!!  Just making sure here, but it...

  • RE: job failing

    I recently changed from one server to another...renaming the new server to the old server name (as to not break any code).  My jobs failed as well.  I beleive it...

  • RE: Dump SQL Permissions

    This is beyond fabulous!!!!  Thank you so much for being generous with an application that makes others lives so much easier!!!!!

  • RE: User list and permissions list

    alriiiighty then.....downloading.  Thanks!!!

  • RE: User list and permissions list

    I just read the article concerning this script.  He says it is done in VB6.  Did anyone run this using .NET??  Any issues??  This sounds perfect for me, but I...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 229 total)