Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 131 total)

  • RE: Limit database view based on logins

    It depends on how much you want to restrict things by. DENY VIEW is only needed if you don't even want the users to know that the databases are...

  • RE: Cannot Get Average of rowcount: Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression

    That makes a lot more sense :-).

    Astonishingly, I haven't seen the DATEDIFF with a zero parameter before. That's really useful.

  • RE: Cannot Get Average of rowcount: Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression

    Could be I'm just being thick (it wouldn't be the first time), but I don't follow how the DATEDIFF(hh,0,EventTime) can work.

    select datediff(hh,0,'09 feb 2010 12:34:56') returns 965196

    and select datediff(hh,0,'09 feb...

  • RE: Limit database view based on logins

    If you check DENY in BOL, it says

    Denies a permission to a principal. Prevents that principal from inheriting the permission through its group or role memberships

    which is why changing the...

  • RE: Rename foreign key constraints (SQL Server 2005 & 2008)

    Surely we don't really need the dynamic SQL in there, we can just use:

    declare @newName sysname


    set @newName = @childname + '_' + @parentname + '_' + CAST(@soid as varchar(20)) +...

  • RE: Store Procedure Output in a Table

    sp_spaceused returns 2 datasets with different shapes. If I'm reading BOL correctly (I haven't tested it), then in this case, INSERT INTO tries to insert both datasets into the...

  • RE: T-SQL Output Clause

    I don't think that the problem is that we can't know which is correct as Adi says, but that to know which is correct, you have to have Northwind installed,...

  • RE: Replication

    I have to admit that even now I understand the full question, I would still have got it wrong :crying:. As Vinay says, this is very surprising behaviour.

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    Ed W. (11/13/2009)

    VB.Net supports optional parameters which C# does not.

    You'll like C# 2010 then:- optional parameters!

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    I moved from a VB shop to a C# shop a few years ago and after the initial pain of having to learn the syntax, I'd say that there's little...

  • RE: I vant your blud!

    At the risk of sounding like a moaning Jock, that one's only for England and Wales. The Scottish one's

  • RE: DateTime Trick (10/26/2009)

    First time I consulted BOL before answering. Who remembers all those datetime styles?

    I'm glad you admitted this too. I always feel a bit guilty :blush: when I sneak...


    VM-723206 (9/25/2009)

    Very easy!

    To us maybe - but I'm tempted to send a link to the answer to some of our developers, who seem to be incapable of using this syntax.

  • RE: Indexes

    I chose 1 as well.

    When faced with a problem like this, my brain automatically went into "performance problem" mode, and since these generally occur with big datasets, I selected the...

  • RE: Access

    I'm with David on this one. The question as written is totally ambiguous, and nvarchar or memo are equally valid answers, depending on how you parse the question.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 131 total)