Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 252 total)

  • RE: Missing Text Data

    Actually, MAX can be used in this case to eliminate NULL values, as well; since NULL represents unknown data, using MAX eliminates NULL, as the MAX is either a NULL...

  • RE: Fill in Missing Data

    It seems like you're wanting to copy the non-NULL values for any given SKU into the NULL values, correct? If so, this should do it:

    ;WITH NullFill(SKU,FillPrice,FillCost,FillSalePrice) AS(

    SELECT VendorSKU,MAX(Price)AS Price,...

  • RE: All the People Smarter than Me - Editorial

    I'll definitely echo Sarah's thanks to the contributors in the community :-D. I barely knew anything beyond the basics of SQL when I graduated from college and landed my...

  • RE: EFFICIENT Front End for SQL Server

    Sean Lange (6/30/2014)

    Andrew Kernodle (6/30/2014)

    Ah, gotcha! That changes things up a good bit :-).

    Access may well be a more workable solution, then, provided the DBAs aren't overwhelmed presently. ...

  • RE: EFFICIENT Front End for SQL Server

    Ah, gotcha! That changes things up a good bit :-).

    Access may well be a more workable solution, then, provided the DBAs aren't overwhelmed presently. Pass-through queries are literally...

  • RE: EFFICIENT Front End for SQL Server

    Hrm. My previous employer used Access for its operations and later scaled up to SQL Server, with Access remaining as the front end. It worked, but there's some...

  • RE: check that column has one and only one value and the value is the value I want

    Aha! I was fumbling with trying to come up with some sort of aggregate to avoid a double-pass on the table, but I couldn't figure it out. I'll...

  • RE: check that column has one and only one value and the value is the value I want

    May well be a more efficient way to do this, but here's a shot!

    select marker from TEMP_A

    WHERE val = 'Y'



    WHERE val = 'N'

  • RE: table variable issues

    Lynn Pettis (6/24/2014)

    Andrew Kernodle (6/24/2014)

    I don't believe that table variables are set to be deprecated, though they do have different use cases than, say, a temp table.

    Table variables don't have...

  • RE: table variable issues

    I don't believe that table variables are set to be deprecated, though they do have different use cases than, say, a temp table.

    Table variables don't have optimization statistics on them,...

  • RE: Alternate to cursor?

    I can see something that may work on the sample data; please be sure to test this for correct results in your environment, however!

    DECLARE @EmployeeMax int = (SELECT COUNT(EmployeeID) FROM...

  • RE: Long-running query

    That sort of syntax is denoting that a parameterized stored procedure plan was used to run the query; the (@_no_akaun nvarchar(4000)) bit indicates that the procedure was called with a...

  • RE: The Last Line of Defense

    Oh, quite so. Fortunately, the business realizes its current means of functionality are unsustainable; the unfortunate part is that they don't want to do anything about it, because it...

  • RE: The Last Line of Defense

    GilaMonster (6/17/2014)

    Andrew Kernodle (6/17/2014)

    But technically, I've gotten leave time in both DBA jobs I've had so far; I've just not been allowed to use it.

    That's the same as...

  • RE: The Last Line of Defense

    GilaMonster (6/17/2014)

    Andrew Kernodle (6/17/2014)

    Beatrix Kiddo (6/17/2014)

    Andrew, how do you cope with no annual leave? (If that's not too personal.)

    Simple! No job I've ever held so far has allowed me...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 252 total)