Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing

    I have not said microsoft have told me i could use the data this way.

    The reason i started this thread was beacuse i wanted to find out if it was...

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing

    a backup and restore wouldnt work as the BI cubes need updating regularly and the database is 500gb, so would take too long to backup copy and restore.

    for the code...

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing

    it will initially be used as a development BI reporting accessing data from live, when dev is complete we will change to enterprise

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing

    The reason for the LInked server (or replication ) in our case is for a BI and reporting server

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing


    unfortunatly i need a difinitive answer from a microsoft document tlling me if i can or cant either use linked server or replicate to a dev edition of sql2008R2

  • RE: SQL Developer licensing

    thanks, do you have any microsoft links which would provide this information?

  • RE: Low Page Life Expectancy High Buffer Cache Ratio

    If the page life expectancy goes down to around 30-60seconds, because of what i believe is a piece of code to extract data from a large database. does that...

  • RE: Adding instance to Cluster

    i have tried nslookup, it shows that there isnt anything on that ip.

    The logs show EventID 1129 'Cluster Network is partitioned' but only suggested resolution is to check network adapters...

  • RE: Adding instance to Cluster

    If i try to ping the sql instances from the Passive node, i do not get a reply, is this normal? (i get a reply from active node).

    I also cannot...

  • RE: Hyperbac

    Does anyone know how much this costs? i cant seem to find a price anywhere (UK Price)

    Do you need a separate license for a passive node on a cluster?

    What about...

  • RE: Installing SP1 on Cluster

    Thanks for your replies, it is now installed and working fine.


  • RE: How to shut down a SQL 2005 Failover Cluster ?

    We need to shutdown both nodes of our cluster (active/Passive) this weekend for a SAN migration.

    for a step by step guide what node do i start with and do i...

  • RE: NetBackup & Maintenance Plan Backups

    I can get that far but, i get the errror when restoring the 2nd transaction log. I thin k i have found out why,

    The netbackup backups where running as...

  • RE: Database Unavailable Alert?

    I have been looking at the sysdatabases table and it looks like when a database goes offline the version field changes from 611 to NULL, if it is detached the...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan with mutiple DB's

    I need to be able to get an email when the Job is successful and and email for each of the failed databases

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)