Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 46 total)

  • RE: Join with where clause?

    Yes... i agree that the meannig of "perfomance" depends on many aspects, such as

    -network trafic

    -network bandwidth


    -Data/Address bus width

    -how busy is sql server (sql server trafic... i can say

  • RE: Join with where clause?

    Dear Gila, by better performance i mean less CPU time.... and i explain:

    I did the following.... (hopefully correct):

    I ran on the QA the follwing queries:



  • RE: Join with where clause?

    ok,... lets start from the beginning:

    The tables that i use are:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Items] (

    [ItemID] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [Item] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,

    [Price] [money] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    with PK...

  • RE: Join with where clause?

    Consider the three equivalent queries (produces the same results set):

    --query 1: Using all consitions in the ON clause.

    select o.Orderid, o.line, i.item

    from items i inner join orderlines o

    ON i.Itemid = o.Itemid


  • RE: Join with where clause?

    Accurate.... Gila, accurate!

  • RE: insert into identity column

    I can suggest a (theoritical) solution to the problem without applying any code.... i thing it is not very dificult to implement.

    Write a procedure to:


    Step 1: Lock the table you...

  • RE: cant add a linked server

    The code bellow updates just fine the Remote Table:

    exec sp_addlinkedserver 'OutServer', N'SQL Server'


    update [OutServer].MyDB.dbo.Items set Price = Price * 1.1


    exec sp_dropserver 'OutServer', 'droplogins'


    Did you try something like tha above?

    Also, i...

  • RE: Question on a Case Statement

    I agree with Karl & John....

    I thing that the query optimizer has the answer. Using execution plan you can see how... and (hopefully) why.

  • RE: Join with where clause?

    If I understand you want to make the join in the WHERE clause,... something like this:

    select A.*, B.*


    WHERE A.Id = B.FId

    which is a 100% valid sql...

  • RE: Question about conversion between two tables

    Sorry,... but could you be more specific in your description... because the code is too long 4 me to read

    What is the output...

  • RE: select query, grouping issue

    Millions of rows you say?...

    Be carefull because you can finally end-up with a record set with hundrends or maybe milions of columns....

  • RE: Question on a Case Statement

    R u sure there no 'ContractID' in Table1 ???

    If this is the case.... the reason is... obvious!

  • RE: Help a Student

    ...I am affraid that the link is not "reachable"..!! unless there is a problem with my ADSL-provider...

  • RE: Copy data between 3 servers

    --Ciao domenico... I hope the following script will help...

    --On SRV3 you can execute the following commands

    ---- Inform the system for the other servers

    exec sp_addlinkedserver 'SRV1', N'SQL Server'


    exec sp_addlinkedserver 'SRV2', N'SQL...

  • RE: Get column header from a table value

    I have two tables

    Cst (for customers) and

    Prd (for Products):

    I will display the values of Product Code (PrdCode) with column title the 'CstFullName' that I get from Cst (Customers):



Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 46 total)