Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Limitation of coflict resolver

    Keep in mind this is the first of a much more complexe resolver

    CREATE PROC AnaResolver

    @tableownersysname, -- this is the publisher owner, but we assume its always dbo at subscriber.

    @tablenamesysname, --...

  • RE: disabling a Trigger

    I've found a workaround using a mixture of different sugestions.

    first set the context_info of the session

    declare @BinarySessionId varbinary(128)

    select @BinarySessionId = convert(varbinary(128), @@spid)

    Set context_info @sessionid

    Then add in the Trigger :

    Declare @BinarySessionIdToSkip...

  • RE: Forced snapshot replication

    thk Andy

    your solution worked perfectly (detach/reattach)


  • RE: Forced snapshot replication

    there's 2 jobs in a snapshot replication

    1- snapshot agent (which makes the snapshot files) (5min)

    2- distribution agent (applies the snapshot files) (30 sec)

    the main reason we don't want to reinit...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)