Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 203 total)
Just a side note:
There were 2 major bugs found and fixed with SP2 & maintenance plan.
MUST for all production servers running SP2 and maint plans.
933508 - Microsoft...
April 6, 2007 at 8:34 pm
SET @SnapshotFinalQuery =
'CREATE DATABASE ' + @SnapshotDBName + '
ON(NAME = N''DemoDB'' , FILENAME = N''F:\Microsoft SQL Server\Snapshots\DemoDB\'' + @SnapshotDBNameWithFileExtention + '''')
print @SnapshotFinalQuery
April 6, 2007 at 8:28 pm
Is that the only messsage before SQL Server goes down ?
does the SQL service stop altogther or just the response gets slower ?
April 6, 2007 at 8:26 pm
Use SQL Server Performance Analysis Utility - Read80Trace and check how your queries are performing at an aggregate level.
On disk end, monitor Avg Disk sec/Transfer, CPU usage, buffer cache...
March 20, 2007 at 6:52 pm
use tempdb
drop table Dir_Categories
create table Dir_Categories
category_id int,
parent_id int,
Category_Name varchar(20)
insert Dir_Categories select 1,0,'SQL'
insert Dir_Categories select 2,1,'SQL 2000'
insert Dir_Categories select 3,1,'SQL 2005'
insert Dir_Categories ...
March 19, 2007 at 3:58 am
This is sample code in BOL.
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level)
-- Anchor member definition
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, edh.DepartmentID,
March 19, 2007 at 3:21 am
"SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans SP2 issue"
This is already fixed by MS. The client and server both should hav the latest version of SQL 2005 SP2 for this issue to...
March 19, 2007 at 3:14 am
Some more reading from SQL 2005 BOL:
Alter database command
Discovers damaged database pages caused by disk I/O path errors. Disk I/O path...
March 19, 2007 at 1:42 am
SQL 2005 has an feature called CHECKSUM. CheckSum is calculated for each database page whenever any modifcations are done on that page. The checksum is also stored on same page....
March 19, 2007 at 1:40 am
-> MSDB is used by SQLAgent. so you need to stop SQLAgent first. Then run your alter database commands.
any repair options with checkdb require you to have db in...
March 19, 2007 at 1:27 am
have you tried this? It has some pre-req info and steps.
SQL Server 2005 Books Online - Configuring Log Shipping:
March 19, 2007 at 1:21 am
Everytime you see that a SPID is running on multiple threads, it simply means it is using a parallel query plan to execute your command. Parallism is meant to speed...
March 19, 2007 at 1:16 am
how about SQL 2005 XML way
select stuff( ( select ','+ name from sys.tables t1 for xml path('') ),1,1,'')
March 16, 2007 at 6:04 am
Be careful with such query designs. @FUND is a
variable, and its value would be known at runtime only, so SQL can not assume anything about its value and would...
March 16, 2007 at 5:43 am
Check this out. may it will answet your questions and give you few more ideas to implement.
March 16, 2007 at 5:33 am
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 203 total)