Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,571 through 3,585 (of 3,665 total)

  • RE: Single sign on

    If the application is running on the user's machine, and if the application attempt to connect to SQL server using a trusted connection, then the application will be trying to...

  • RE: DTS Job issue.

    I think that in order to resolve your problem you're gonna have to create a network account for SQL Server and/or SQL Server Agent to use instead of the local...

  • RE: Database Health Report

    If you want gauges and want to impress managers, try dumping data into tables and reporting it with Reporting services from SQL 2008. From what I've seen MS has...

  • RE: Database Health Report

    Health of a database to me relates to looking for signs of potential problems to come.

    I think you need to include fragmentation, available disk space vs database growth, query response...

  • RE: Query Problem

    Good point. I don't know I have so much trouble adopting that method.

  • RE: Rebuilding/Reorganizing clustered or non-clustered indexes

    The first thing I would do is: "exec sp_who2 active" just to see if there's anything happening. Your rebuild be be block by another process.

  • RE: Query Problem

    If I understand correctly what you're trying to do then try something like this:

    Create procedure spTotalLibrosMenosPrestamosColeccion @Coleccion varchar(100), @FechaIni varchar(10), @FechaFin varchar(10)


    SELECT (list all the fileds you want)

    FROM (list your...

  • RE: Tables are big?

    Could there be a problem with the fill factor for indexes? Could it be set too low?

  • RE: DTS Job issue.

    Can you give us a bit more information?

    What to Step 1 do?

    What permissions does the reported account have on that instance of SQL? On that server?

    Is that the account...

  • RE: Strange problem.

    Are there other emails being sent via xp_sendmail from that server? If yes, are they ok?

    You might want to open up Outlook on the server and see if there...

  • RE: Cannot index the view '...'. It contains one or more disallowed constructs.

    The only time I have ever needed "top 100 percent" is when I wanted an "order by" in the view.

    I don't believe you need it in this case.

  • RE: how to get current date in .bak file name

    Assuming that "_db_convert" was supposed to be part of the file name, try replacing the getdate() with ' + convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112)) + '

    Note, include both single...

  • RE: run package continuously

    If you want to package to run until it's manually stopped then you do not have to increment a counter each time you go thru the loop. If you...

  • RE: how to get current date in .bak file name

    Are you doing the backup from a SQL script? If you are then you could use dynamic SQL, convert getdate() to a varchar and append that to the static...

  • RE: Organizations With No DBAs

    So how do fix this problem?

    Should we work together to find a bunch of resources/white papers that we can present to management to should them what they're doing wrong?

Viewing 15 posts - 3,571 through 3,585 (of 3,665 total)