Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 178 total)

  • RE: how can I sum up totals for each customer per product group

    This will select the maximum value of prod, not the first!

    I haven't got an elegant solution for this yet 🙁

    Can anyone help?

    -- this is OP's data/table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[YTD_nni](

    [Custn] [nvarchar](50) NULL,


  • RE: how can I sum up totals for each customer per product group

    Sorry, didn't fully read your last post, you want the first value, right?

    gis a second, need to test this

  • RE: how can I sum up totals for each customer per product group

    What value of prod do you want in the output? minimum, maximum etc?

    Going by your earlier post max(convert(int,prod)) as prod would do the trick... so that means:



  • RE: how can I sum up totals for each customer per product group


    you need an aggregate function on each of the columns in your result set, I can't infer what the aggregate functions you need to apply to prod and pers, are...

  • RE: Incorrect Sorting

    Am I missing something here, this query gives the median?

  • RE: Newbie Help with return value

    You'll need to execute the query, check out objCmd.ExecuteScalar()

  • RE: Remove Spaces in Columns

    Heh heh, solutions above are for removing whitespace in column names.

    If you post some sample data, and table structure, you are much more likely to get a useful solution.


  • RE: Remove Spaces in Columns

    here's a possible solution, depends on what you mean by 'whitespace', I'm assuming space i.e. character 20.

    create table #temptest ([some col] int, [some othercol] int)

    select * from...

  • RE: Query Help

    Nice one Michelle,

    glad you got there, and no need for dynamic SQL!

    Take care


  • RE: partial searches using combination of full text and standard tsql

    The wildcard doesn't work at the beginning of search term, i.e. "*ci*" will not match "uncival".

    Please correct this if I'm wrong!

  • RE: Query Help

    change DECLARE @SQLSelectList VARCHAR(100) to DECLARE @SQLSelectList VARCHAR(max).


    If you need more help with this you'll have to post a sample of data from temporary table #NormalNVP.

    Check out Jeff's artice how...

  • RE: Query Help

    Ok, then putting it all together:


    CRM_PartsLabor.TRANSACTION_ID as [Service Order ID]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.ORDERED_PROD as [Part No]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.DESCRIPTION as [Part Desc]

    , CRM_Confirmations.POSTING_DATE as [Date Consumed]

    , CRM_StatusCodes.USER_STATUS as [Part Status]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.QUANTITY as [Quantity]

    , CRM_StatusCodes.END_DATE...

  • RE: Query Help

    yeah, it's putting the result into a temporary table, have a look at the following:


    CRM_PartsLabor.TRANSACTION_ID as [Service Order ID]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.ORDERED_PROD as [Part No]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.DESCRIPTION as [Part Desc]

    , CRM_Confirmations.POSTING_DATE as...

  • RE: Query Help

    Sorry, got columns outta order:

    CRM_PartsLabor.TRANSACTION_ID as [Service Order ID]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.ORDERED_PROD as [Part No]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.DESCRIPTION as [Part Desc]

    , CRM_Confirmations.POSTING_DATE as [Date Consumed]

    , CRM_StatusCodes.USER_STATUS as [Part Status]

    , CRM_PartsLabor.QUANTITY as [Quantity]

    , CRM_StatusCodes.END_DATE as...

  • RE: Query Help

    OK, you are concatenating the two fields that you need separate for the required output: CRM_Partners.DESCRIPTION + ', ' + CRM_Partners.ADDRESS as [Role]... these need to be in two...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 178 total)