Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Ten Ways To Lose Your DBA Job

    Totally agree!

    But I think it must include : "Learn Transaction isolation levels/SQLServer Locking behaviour".

    Maybe as subarticle for "Tuning".

    You may have well-tuned stored procs that work fast only in test environment,...

  • RE: Open Source Challenge

    >>EBD is open source

    EDB is not open source. Now they're just "cheap Oracle"

    >>How is this different from SQLExpress?


    1. EDB challenging not free versions, they're trying to challenge enterprise...

  • RE: Open Source Challenge

    Even more: they (EnterpriseDB) are targeting not only Oracle.

    Read this blog article

    They're now offering Oracle-compatibility layer named "Redwood" mode.

    And : "At the same time, they are looking...

  • RE: passing variable for IN (value list)

    I'm still thinking that passing XML-parameter is the best.

    You have ability to pass not just array but a TABLE and even resultsets of several tables.

  • RE: BCP? Is there a better way?

    Look at :

    1. DTS. Options "Fast_load" and "rows per batch".

    2. If you're a programmer (even just a little bit) - look at .NET 2.0...

  • RE: passing variable for IN (value list)

    Maybe XML is what you need?

    We did so in 2K with

    1.sp_xml_prepare_document -

    2. OPENXML

    3. JOIN with resultset of OPENXML ( IN (SELECT...

  • RE: Closing on One Year

    As developers we MUST upgrade to Yukon.

    We will have another headache - in near future we will have clients working with different versions of our system.

    Just as we had...

  • RE: Beware of Search Argument (SARG) Data Types

    Great article!

    >>Function based indexes are something Oracle has had for years, I'd like to see MS do a bit of catching up there.

    Indexes on calculated fields?

    I have never use them....

  • RE: Temp Tables in SQL Server

    I cannot believe when I read "SELECT INTO is BAD"

    SELECT INTO is one of BULK operation.

    In case of large datasets there are no other way then to use one or...

  • RE: Cleaning WGA

    The most laughable in all this initiatives - I'm sure that companies lost more than obtain.

    For Sony - anyway, I didn't listen music they produce.

    For Microsoft - most of...

  • RE: Technology for Fun

    Stanislaw Lem "Summae Technologia", "Cyberiada", "Ion Tichi"

    Ph.K. Dick - maybe everything

  • RE: The Daily Lookup

    I'm tend to agree with Chris Smith.

    Such design bad for OLTP, but in most cases good for OLAP.

    Not for OLAP exactly, but for database containing fact tables for OLAP...

  • RE: No More Waits

    I prefer a lesser changes between versions and lesser development cycle.

    Yukon - have amazing features.

    But now adoption our system requires a lot of time.

    And then upgrade on clients' servers...

  • RE: Update field with multiple Recordsets

    It's a much better approach than using recursion as it is the most direct approach to do it. TSQL, even using recursion, would still have to do the string...

  • RE: Update field with multiple Recordsets

    Something bad like this:

    CREATE TABLE SourceTable(

    _Name varchar(10)

    ,_Text varchar(10)

    ,id int IDENTITY(1,1)



    INSERT INTO SourceTable

    (_name, _text)

    SELECT 'Matt', 'Hi'


    SELECT 'Matt', 'How are'


    SELECT 'Matt',...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)