Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 51 total)

  • RE: Logshipping status report Throgh Mail


    Where I need to run this script,Primary server or Secondary


  • RE: Not able to connect to named instance

    I am able to connect from the server,other server in the same domain

    Problem is from my laptop.

    I am able to connect to the default instance from laptop

    I am using <IPADDRESS>\Instancename...

  • RE: Not able to connect to named instance

    SQL Browser is running

    TCP IP enabled

    Port is dynamic port.

    I tested that also

    No luck

    but I am able to connect to default instance

  • RE: Microsoft-Windows-Perflib(1010 - None)

    Windows 2003

  • RE: Redgate backup error

    verify Only is not working for sql native since it is redgate backup.Not able to see verify option in redgate tool

  • RE: Redgate backup error

    These drives are clustered drives.I am not sure SQL native can do the verify only option.

  • RE: Redgate backup error


    DISK = 'J:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_1.sqb',

    DISK = 'J:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_2.sqb',

    DISK = 'J:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_3.sqb',

    DISK = 'H:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_4.sqb',

    DISK = 'H:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_5.sqb',

    DISK = 'H:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_6.sqb',

    DISK = 'H:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_7.sqb',

    DISK = 'H:\replication\FULL_SQL4_XRMWH20_20120614_151504_8.sqb',

    DISK =...

  • RE: SQL Agent not starting


    Service account is LocalSystem.

    I resolved the issue

    I added BuiltIN\Administrators on SQL level and given sysadmin privilage.then started sql agent

    it started

    But one doubt.SQL Server was running without any issue.builtin\admin not...

  • RE: SQL Agent not starting

    Exactly I am not sure.But I Saw that last 3-4 months it was not running.I came new to this project(Account)

  • RE: Script error

    I have the same error with other databases also

    FCB::RemoveAlternateStreamsByHandle(BackupSeek): Operating system error (null) occurred while creating or opening file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\MSDBData.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error,...

  • RE: SQL SERVER detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page

    I got the error for tempdb while executing a script.Pls advise.

    Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 74

    SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page (expected signature: 0x55555555;...

  • RE: Database Status Shutdown,Normal

    Now I found one more thing.

    When I checked sys.databases I found that is_cleanly_shutdown column showing value 1

    How I can make it to 0 ?

    restart of SQL Server will resolve ?

  • RE: Heap Table

    Thanks alot.

    One more doubt

    I have a table with Clustered Index and 2 Nonclustered Index.If I drop the Clustered Index what will happen for my table and nonclustered index.will my table...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 SP2 Update

    Thanks for your update.I did the same way.

    Now I have one doubt.

    We have Cumulative Updates and Hotfixes for every SP.How we can Identify these required or not and how can...

  • RE: The database is not accessable(Object explorer)

    Try first to connect through SQL Account(sa)

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 51 total)