Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: ODBC Connection Problems

    Well we found an answer. We cannot make procedure calls to the Shadow driver, (you can however from the web I am told by our other developers). We...

  • RE: Start without Debugging Problem

    Just an update for any that get this same problem. I had to go back to the SQL 2005 disk and install the SSIS package onto my machine to...

  • RE: Identity on a Insert Select

    no problem, glad I could help.

  • RE: using IN operator in stored procedure

    Been there done that.  Unfortunately, it does not work as easy as doing an IN if you are not using dynamic sql.

    I appologize to the creator of this method, I...

  • RE: Identity on a Insert Select

    yes, the system is using stored procedures.  I am using 2 varchar(8000) to pass in xml strings produced by a dataset.  I will try the temp table and see what...

  • RE: Identity on a Insert Select

    thanks for the post.  I guess it might help if I explained a little more, because maybe i am going about this all wrong.  I have an object that...

  • RE: First and last record

    good point.  and actually to be completely correct, you would have to add year to that group by too.  nice catch.

  • RE: First and last record

    Try This

    Declare @t1 table (

     i datetime,

     k varchar(5)


    insert into @t1 (i, k) values (getDate(), 'Peter')

    insert into @t1 (i, k) values (getDate(), 'Paul')

    insert into @t1 (i, k) values (DateAdd(mi, 5, getDate()), 'Peter')


  • RE: First and last record

    Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but try this.

    Declare @t1 table (

     i datetime,

     k varchar(5)


    insert into @t1 (i, k) values (getDate(), 'Peter')

    insert into @t1 (i, k) values...

  • RE: Identity on a Insert Select

    I am a little confused by your answer.  Would this use a cursor to loop through all of the values to insert and insert them one at a time?  If...

  • RE: Users From Hell

    This is so true!!!  Especially the evangelist.  What is worse, is I saw the same amount of the evangelist in school as I have in the workplace.  If you even...

  • RE: Array Question

    Sorry to take so long to post back, I have Work up to my ear.  (Who hasn't). All I have to say is that

    March 5, 2004 at 2:08 pm


  • RE: SQL Login Security

    I would like to thank everyone for their advise.  To answer the first question.  We have custom Roles that have execute privaledges to the stored procedures.  The user accounts are...

  • RE: SQL Login Security

    I would like to thank everyone for their advise.  To answer the first question.  We have custom Roles that have execute privaledges to the stored procedures.  The user accounts are...

  • RE: Array Question

    Thanks for the info.  I have used the subquery with another table before, but I was just seeing if this was possible.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)