Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 432 total)

  • RE: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package - Not enough storage is available to process this command.


    When executing the package are you using sp_executePkg or xp_cmdShell 'DTSRun...'?

  • RE: Moving data between Access and SQL Server

    You need to look at either of "DTS Designer, Transform Data Task Properties" or OPENROWSET in BOL.

    The OPENROWSET pages show an example (example C) of how to select data from...

  • RE: minus hours from current time


    This sounds like homework.....:hehe:

    Take a look at the DATEADD and DATEPART functions in BOL. :w00t:

  • RE: TSQL

    Okay, no problem.

    This SUBSTRING statement looks for the first alphabetic (a to z) character for a starting point; and the first alphabetic character (or space) followed by a numeric (assumed...

  • RE: TSQL

    Before I can do that you've said that the user may enter any date format, do you mean that it can be anything like dd/mm/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy etc. Can you give...

  • RE: Output from Stored Procedure

    Without going in to specifics (as I don't know why it happens this way), the data will be returned from the procedure by a SELECT statement. Using SELECT * INTO...

  • RE: TSQL

    If there are always spaces after the first date and before the second date (and no spaces inbetween) you should be able to do something like:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(myColumn, CHARINDEX(' ', myColumn,...

  • RE: Output from Stored Procedure


    If I've read that correctly you can insert the results in to a table. You will need to create the table to hold the expected results first but you can...

  • RE: Collaborate or Eliminate ?

    Ultimately though, the responsibility of putting together the right team for the tasks set lies with the management. If a deliverable hasn't been delivered on time due to a lack...

  • RE: Thinking of starting a dating site for DBAs

    Hmm, I can just see the first date:

    For Her:

    SELECT main_course

    FROM menu

    WHERE price > (SELECT affordable FROM datesWallet)

    AND chance_of_slopping IS NULL

    For Him:

    SELECT sharing_starter

    FROM menu

    WHERE likelihood_of_sharing = 0


    SELECT main_course

    FROM menu

    WHERE main_component...

  • RE: Collaborate or Eliminate ?

    I try to look at it from an ROI point of view...

    Can you get the weaker members up to speed and therefore raising their productivity before whatever product/goal (or any...

  • RE: Oxymorons!Fun on a Friday

    developer6 - police intelligence

    I'd have to agree! Wasn't one of the latest Big Foot conspirators a police officer??? :crazy:

  • RE: auto remap at run time


    I would suggest setting up the five different transforms in the package. You can then use an ActiveX script before the transforms to enable one transformation(or disable the other four...

  • RE: Oxymorons!Fun on a Friday

    The one I'll never understand is when someone gives 110%, or 120% or anything over 100%...

    If you're going to exaggerate, at least do it in style... "Today, I'm going to...

  • RE: Is it possible to add a Failure Workflow to a Transform Data Task?

    Are you using T-SQL to call the execution of the package, if so you can capture the return value of the execution and use xp_cmdshell to move the file on...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 432 total)