Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 282 total)
You could just write a script to update the msdb.dbo.sysjobs table (enabled column) and set it for each job you want disabled when this s.n.a.f.u occurs.
September 27, 2005 at 12:38 pm
I wasn't aware that you were connecting as sysadmin. sa has permissions already (obviously). You may want to review the link in the previous post for further suggestions.
September 26, 2005 at 1:44 pm
Grant permissions to the sp_sdidebug stored procedure.
September 26, 2005 at 1:32 pm
What's the fragmentation of the indexes on these tables look like? Run DBCC SHOWCONTIG if the scan density is < 80% I would either run DBCC DBREINDEX or DBCC INDEXDEFRAG...
September 26, 2005 at 12:00 pm
Have you tried running a profiler trace to determine the batches / procedures that are utilizing the most CPU time? This may give you a starting point of troubleshooting to...
September 26, 2005 at 11:54 am
Why not just change your statement
SELECT * FROM [AnyTable] where IDC = 878
SELECT column1, Column2 FROM [AnyTable] where IDC = 878
And, dude - don't used cursors they suck for performance.
September 21, 2005 at 3:39 pm
That's pretty good. Then give then eleven questions and tell them to rank themselve 1 - 100 Haha ...
September 19, 2005 at 11:25 am
What a joke. People who can't handle brutal honest feedback are generally suckers trying to hide their lack of intellgence. Being (PC) Politically Correct is for the chumps. I applaud...
September 19, 2005 at 10:45 am
A Man without a woman is just not being suckered into paying her bills, listening to her bull shit lies, and that man will be happier without her bitch-ass anyhow.
July 19, 2005 at 9:40 am
SELECT @Output will return a recordset
You want to do everything that Remi said to do but instead:
Print @Output
June 13, 2005 at 1:49 pm
You can only have a "trusted connection" by not using OPENROWSET - instead you'd have to create a linked server.
To check/edit the service account just go to properties in Enterprise...
June 7, 2005 at 1:00 pm
You can only have a "trusted connection" by not using OPENROWSET - instead you'd have to create a linked server.
To check/edit the service account just go to properties in Enterprise...
June 7, 2005 at 12:25 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 282 total)