Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Automated Driving

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (12/16/2010)

    That is interesting. Looks like the CO one is doing well, and I think they integrated it much better than many other projects with the...

  • RE: Automated Driving

    Rather than cars, let's get the teleporters working.

    Aren't you worried about interference from "nucleonic" radiation?


  • RE: Automated Driving

    grahamc (11/15/2010)

    Adam Gardner (11/12/2010)

    Michael Valentine Jones (11/12/2010)

    ... β€œWe’re leaving Denver right now; we should be in Kansas City in about 3 hours.”

    Where are the flying cars I was promised?

    Dont joke,...

  • RE: Automated Driving

    Michael Valentine Jones (11/12/2010)

    ... β€œWe’re leaving Denver right now; we should be in Kansas City in about 3 hours.”

    Where are the flying cars I was promised?

  • RE: Automated Driving


    I'm all about people doing what works for them, and not imposing their preferences on someone else. I apologize that I thought you were doing precisely that and for the...

  • RE: Automated Driving

    Ever been to Seattle or Houston? They can add lanes to a highway without land acquisition costs (double deckers).

    Land acquisition cost in the Denver area is one of the two...

  • RE: Automated Driving

    Steve - Ever try to ride your bike to work via Bus/Train in Denver? I have many times. It's a nightmare. Arrive at work sweaty - no place to shower....

  • RE: Automated Driving

    I believe that people of average and higher intelligence would be happy to turn the control over to the computer in appropriate situations, if presented with bona-fide evidence that the...

  • RE: Auto generation key field

    Also, wouldn't there be a potential concurrency issue with this approach (i.e. select max)? Don't you need to wrap this in a lock and actually perform the insert to prevent...

  • RE: Auto generation key field

    What is the purpose of this syntax from the article?:


  • RE: Simulating memory pressure

    According to Microsoft (link), SQL Server 2008 supports up to 8TB of RAM, and Windows Server 2003 SP1 on X64 currently supports 1TB of RAM.

    Two out-of-the-box solutions to your problem,...

  • RE: Infinite Seizure - Database Weekly (2008/8/4)

    Steve Jones - Editor (8/3/2008)

    Yikes, didn't mean to start a political debate here.

    The power to seize things and protect a country's borders isn't a problem. Every country has the right...

  • RE: What's Fair

    I'm so impressed with the basic understanding of economics by some of us "techies". I thought I might be the only one proposing a solution involving MUCH higher ticket prices...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)