Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Stored procedure running slowly

    Here are the traces from running the two queries, if it is of any help:

    SQL on its own:

    set @LabelID = 27 SQL:StmtCompleted0000

    SELECT p.PromptID AS ID, ...

  • RE: Stored procedure running slowly

    Yes, and they were different.

    If you can tell me how I can copy and post them here, I will do!



  • RE: latest row for each of several values


    I'm not sure what I got wrong last time I tried it (I'd spotted the missing alias) but I've just tried it again and it works fine.

    Thanks very much for...

  • RE: latest row for each of several values

    Phil, thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't work. 🙁

    If you compare these SQL statements (which come from your suggestion):

    select t2.assetID, max(t2.dateupdated) as DateUpdated from tblAssetHistory t2 group by t2.assetid;


  • RE: The Best Kept Secret About SQL Query Analyzer


    Good comment from Dan Collier: Maximum characters per column = 8100 (why 8100? I usually do 7999)


    Both values seem a little arbitrary.

    Why not use the maximun allowed, 8192?

  • RE: Starting Query Analyzer


    Also, one little know tip for the Quick Launch menu, re-size the toolbar so that only the double arrows are visible, if you click the arrows a popup menu appears and you can...

  • RE: Starting Query Analyzer

    Of course, there are other, MUCH simpler ways of adding shortcuts to your Quick Launch bar, and of opening the Run dialogue.

    First, shortcuts....

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)