Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

  • RE: Dynamic Properties Task

    Hi Phillcart and Rajesh,

    Thanks a bunch. Yes I was able to got it. wow. I tried on 3 packages and it worked fine.I am planning to apply this on 240...

  • RE: Dynamic Properties Task

    Hi Phillcart,

    That was imazing script. I have run the script and did get the file where all my Connection Object and Data Source are showing. But Now how do I...

  • RE: SQL-DMO Messages

    Hi Newbie,

    I have not used ExecutewithResultandmessages but i have used ExecuteWithResults.

    Dim q

    q = SQLDMO.QueryResults()

    q = dmoServer.databases.item("your database name").ExecuteQueryWithResult("Select count(*) from Table1")

    Dim stra as long

    stra = q.GetColumnLong(1,1)

    Msgbox (str.toString)


    what it does is...

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)