Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

  • RE: Access 2000 upsizing to SQL

    I didn't know about the timestamp thing.  I'm pretty sure I've upsized boolean fields without adding at timestamp field with no difficulties, but I may be mistaken.  Does anyone else...

  • RE: Limitations of Eval Function???


    Thank you!


  • RE: Limitations of Eval Function???

    Because for other reasons I passed the FormName in as a string.  Maybe I didn't have to do that.  Here's why I did:

    1. There are several forms (each with some of...
  • RE: UPDATE with subqueries in WHERE clause?

    Thanks guys,

    I ran it in SQL Server and Imported the tables back into Access (I hate Jet SQL anyway).

    While it's currently in Access it's going to get centralized back into...

  • RE: UPDATE with subqueries in WHERE clause?

    Can this be adjusted to work with JET SQL, or just SQL Server?


  • RE: UPDATE with subqueries in WHERE clause?

    Hi Remi,

    I get a Syntax error (missing operator)

    Any ideas?

    Why is the same info in 2 tables?  Because it's what my client gave me, and I'm trying to get it normalized. ...

  • RE: Access VBA Defies Logic

    Thanks for your suggestions Steve,


         cnxn.Open CurrentProject.Connection

         cnxn.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout") = 0

         cnxn.Properties("Jet OLEDB:User Commit Sync") = True

    I was able to speed things up significantly - it takes about...

  • RE: Access VBA Defies Logic

    Actually I am using an insert query, rather than the ADO AddNew method.  It's not parameterized because I'm only inserting 1 value, an integer, which is not coming from a textbox...

  • RE: Access VBA Defies Logic

    Does this time delay still exist when the table is a link table, say in SQL Server, rather than a local table?


  • RE: Access VBA Defies Logic


    It IS actually a timing issue.  It turns out 5,000,000 is just not long enough to make a difference, or that Access sees that it's an empty loop and ignores...

  • RE: Access VBA Defies Logic

    Latest update.  Doesn't seem to be related to a delay, because I do a

    For i=0 to 5000000
       'Do Nothing

    Loop and same results.  I also tried programetically re-closing the Proposals...

  • RE: Validating User Input

    Hi All,

    Nevermind.  I found my answer on google.  the code is


    I suppose I should do a little more research before I ask for help.  Thanks.


  • RE: Refreshing a Control

    Cool. Thanks guys.  I'll try these and let you know how they work.


  • RE: SubForm Weirdness

    Thanks guys.  This has been pretty much resolved.  Access XP is kinda quirky in its implementation of VB.  Anyone else noticed that?


  • RE: SubForm Weirdness

    Well, I think so.  The thing is I got it to work, it's just klunky.  The way I got it to work was

    1) Changing the Record source of the...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)