Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Performance Issues

    @@ Toby Harman

    Ultimately, adding more memory to the system will only help if

    a) SQL can use that memory

    b) ALL the relevant data is cacheable

    If you can achieve both of...

  • RE: Performance Issues

    Hii... Thank you for your replies 🙂 . My buffer cache and page life expectancy are above the threshold limit. SQL is limited to use 8 gigs on this box....

  • RE: Pushing the package to success

    I am using SSIS -> Logging from the menu bar in bids to do the logging. There is no option for db name or server name in those enlisted feilds....

  • RE: Pushing the package to success

    My DB Name is picked by the cursor dynamically. It is not just one database or one instance.. I am running this script using ssis on all sql servers in...

  • RE: Pushing the package to success

    Hello da-Zero

    Thank you very much for the quick reply. my package is on sql 08. But, my package will traverse through different servers which includes sql 05. Does this matter?


  • RE: MDF AND NDF's Locations

    Because, SQL tries to look at different drives, and pull data from different drives which indicates more IOs (May be i am completely wrong!! correct me if I am)


  • RE: MDF AND NDF's Locations

    GilaMonster (2/4/2010)

    Ali_SQLDBA (2/4/2010)

    I thought having mdf and ndf in different drives with different raid levels will cause extra IOs isnt it..


    that was because of space issues with the original MDF...

  • RE: MDF AND NDF's Locations

    I thought having mdf and ndf in different drives with different raid levels will cause extra IOs isnt it..correct me if i am wrong!!

    i am confused. let's take an example...

  • RE: indexing online vs offline, and setting a database offline


    But when I ran this on my local machine, I didn't get any errors for LOBs. Pleases clarify



  • RE: indexing online vs offline, and setting a database offline


    Even in our environment, we have the same situation. We have LOBS in our database and can't be rebuilt online. I am using the script in this link "" which...

  • RE: database size clash

    The query answered my question 😀

    Thanks Guys. This website is being very helpful for me. Even though, I am new to sql, I am able to cope up in...

  • RE: database size clash

    This query is giving out lot of data.. is there any way that I can consolidate this whole information??



  • RE: database size clash

    How are you determining the first values (21 GB, 4 GB).

    SSMS right click on database--> Properties

    How are you determining the second value ~ 9 GB.

    Right click on the DB -->...

  • RE: drop all user databases in sql server 2000

    This will help I guess





    Name sysname,

    Db_id_no int,

    sidid varchar(5000),

    mode smallint,

    status int,

    status2 bigint,

    crdate datetime,

    reserved varchar(1000),

    categry smallint,

    cmptlevel int,

    Filename varchar(5000),

    Version int,




    @query varchar(max),


  • RE: Update Stats

    Following are the options that are checked in the maint. plan

    1. Update All exsisnting databases

    2. scan type full scan

    3. database-- All databases



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)