Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1,171 through 1,185 (of 1,185 total)

  • RE: SQL mail not saving in Sent Folder

    Thanks for the heads up! Thought I was doing something wrong!

    Oh well. Your suggestion is how I set-up my "work-around"

    AJ Ahrens


    Custom Billing AT&T...

  • RE: Best Method to Upgrade NT4/7 --> W2K/2000

    I have just gone through this myself. I created a new server with windows 2K/SQL 2K. I set-up my SQL 7.0 box as a linked server. I...

  • RE: Using DTS to Detect and Process a File

    I use a similar process for detection of a .DONE file. I have built a VB6 exe and fire a DTS package every 2 hours from 7:30 am >...

  • RE: IO performance issues

    I have had a similiar issue with a stored-proc. The procedure ran in under 10 seconds and it ran fine for over 18 months. 1 day it stopped...

  • RE: Truth about Oracle and MSSQL...Help needed


    My last company went through the following:

    SQL 6.5 dual processor > SQL 7 quad processor with replicated machine for reporting >

    SQL 7 quad processor replicated machine across 3 different...

  • RE: BCP and #Tables

    Why do you use #Temp tables. YOu may also get a performance boost by creating a table and having the data load into that. Then you could apply...

  • RE: Is certification really valued

    i have to agree with both mcap and scorp. THe jobs I have been happiest with and currently am at:

    Hired on personality, eagerness, and the ability to see the...

  • RE: Is certification really valued

    Just throwing my 2 cents in.

    I have been in the IT world for 13 years. I have used SQL Server for over 4 years starting as a developer, junior...

  • RE: Microsoft: "Don´t use the prefix sp_"

    Haven't been able to do that myself either.

    I would probably still use the whole object name regardless though. This way I would be sure that I was calling the...

  • RE: Microsoft: "Don´t use the prefix sp_"


    Is there any OTHER way to have SQL search a common "library" to find the proc? (I have 7.0 now, and...

  • RE: Microsoft: "Don´t use the prefix sp_"

    I 100% agree with the NEVER use sp_ as the first 3 characters. I use the spA, spD, spU etc... I was lucky enough to not fall into...

  • RE: Loading a Series of Flat Files


    I think we would be interested to see how you do it !




  • RE: Microsoft: "Don´t use the prefix sp_"

    I use spA_ append, spD_ delete, spU_ update. I have required that submittal forms be sent in when changes are made or objects created.

    Also at the top of every...

  • RE: Loading a Series of Flat Files

    I am currently doing this same thing in SQL 7 and SQL 2K. Please read whole article.

    Our older process uses DTS and BCP to load data and process...

  • RE: Alternatives to SQL Backups

    I used to use Access (still do for simple manual tracking).

    I have ran into this problem in large and small shops. I have found the following to be the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1,171 through 1,185 (of 1,185 total)