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Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 223 total)

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Well, im sure I can remove the error code at the bottom of the SP as the next step after this in the SSIS is to run that SP if...

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Chris, THANK YOU so much for your time and patients.

    You have helped my understand stand the process much better!!

  • RE: Change a Views data types


    I think iv resolved the issue, at the bottom of the SP someone had put in some error constraints:


    --Otherwise the files should not be updated



    Execute procImportFailClearTables

    RAISERROR('Import Updates Failed',16,1)


    --ADD CALLS...

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Yes importing flatfile into Bargains table, SSIS package includes:

    1. Execute Process Task (colect files) - Successful

    2. Execute Import Files above into tblCheckPoint, tblHouse,tblMK, Bargains - Successful

    3. Execute SP procImportAllFile -...

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Chris, I think I have spotted the error, as you suggested the problem was within SSIS package and the mapping between the FlatFile and the table.

    But.... when I run the...

  • RE: Change a Views data types


    I have just recently taken over looking after this DB. It was well before my time so Im not sure why this issue with the ClientID duplication in the bargains...

  • RE: Change a Views data types


    Have a look at the ClientID dupes in the bargains table. Are they really different clients, or do they differ in spelling, or missing country code?


    If I run the following...

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Ok, so they have the same Client ID but differant Client & CountryCode in Baragins.

    Can I create a new ClientID with that new entry in tblclients?

    Is that a way around...

  • RE: New Alias

    I get the command is not recognised

    C:\Documents and Settings\IPB_TMOSSInstall>sqlcmd -E -S TSharePoint

    'sqlcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    I had to put the Collate command in:

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblClients

    (Client_Short_Name, Client_Long_Name, CountryCode, ClientID)

    SELECT b.Client, b.Client, b.CountryCode, CAST(b.ClientID AS NVARCHAR (10)) AS ClientID...

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    No problem, the following are the results in order of the statements above:





  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Sorry to be Stupid, but what do you mean by

    "just 4 numbers"?

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    Ok i did a stupid one... I forgot to run my SSIS package to populate the tables before I ran the statements.

    I have now attched the results in a spreadsheet...

  • RE: Change a Views data types


    Is this going to drive you mad as it has done me! :crazy:

    Thanks for your time, keep the suggestions

  • RE: Change a Views data types

    No results returned for any of the statements!


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 223 total)