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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 185 total)

  • Reply To: Get history of blocking

    something like this


    USE [msdb]


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_alert @name=N'Blocked',









    @performance_condition=N'SQLServer:General Statistics|Processes blocked||>|1',






    EXEC sp_WhoIsActive

    @find_block_leaders = 1,



    @format_output = 0,

    @destination_table = 'WhoIsActive';


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail


    @profile_name = 'MPAXCluster',

    @subject = 'Who Is Active',

    @body_format = 'TEXT',

    @query = 'SELECT TOP 1









    FROM [WSDBA].[dbo].[whoisactive]


  • Reply To: Get history of blocking

    Set up a blocking alert, when the alert fires off it should call SP_whoisactive. Dump the results into a temp table or Perm table and have it send you an...

  • RE: DeadLock --trying to figure out what resource-list is telling me?

    you are correct I was really trying to solve the mystery of resource-list why it showed nothing. Fixing the underlying issue is something all together different. It just so...

  • RE: DeadLock --trying to figure out what resource-list is telling me?


    <SyncPoint> is an indication of an Exchange event. If you run profiler trace with deadlock graph it will clearly show its and exchange dead lock(...

  • RE: DeadLock --trying to figure out what resource-list is telling me?

    Here is the whole output...maybe this might help


  • RE: Blocking but not sure why

    Thanks Chris, That makes a little more CENTS$
    I'll give a try as soon as it blocks again and report back

  • RE: Blocking but not sure why

    Thanks, I the screen shot is not to good but its sp_whoisactive with leadblocker

  • RE: EXEC master..xp_cmdshell wont send to URL

    Thanks for the help Jeff, Thats what I thought as well.

    I should have explained better, the Problem is the D: & 01-abc-01c share are the same location.

    The goal is to...

  • RE: Logbackups problem on AG

    Maintenance plans and AG work. I have had this problem before as well.

    Try secondary only in the Ag Group and "copy-only backups" in the maintenance plan.

    and yes when is fails...

  • RE: Always ON Seconday node slower then Primary

    According to microsoft "For availability groups, statistics that are created and maintained on the primary databases are automatically persisted on the secondary databases as part of applying the transaction log...

  • RE: Always ON setting up a C node

    Thanks for the help!

  • RE: Always ON setting up a C node

    yes...the C node is a 2 node cluster. so I will need to blow it up so that it is no longer a cluster.

    Take one of the servers make it...

  • RE: Always ON setting up a C node

    Sounds I like I need to break the C node down to a stand alone server and then add the node to the ALWAYS ON cluster.

  • RE: Broke Replication by adding nonclustered index on subscriber the wrong way

    Thanks guys....

    Nothing in the error logs? strange(At this point I am just guessing I broke it)

    The subscriber just disappeared. Added NC indexes and the next day I have no...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 Maintenance Cleanup Task Issue

    Find the Sql server agent job that the maintenance plan created. It should be the same name with a . subplan after it.

    Right click and Look at the history. It...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 185 total)