Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 291 total)

  • RE: Restore Backup from changing file name

    Awsome, exactly what I was looking for! My thanks to the original poster for adding his solution and all respondents for their suggestions.


  • RE: The Value of Experience

    I use to think that "wide" experience, such as I have, made me a better DBA and overall better asset for my organization. I would not trade my wide...

  • RE: Good for the Goose

    UAMCRay (8/7/2009)

    I consider myself fortunate and treated fairly. I'm effectively on-call 24-7. The last time I was truely off-work was 1999 while in Europe.

    As long as you...

  • RE: Good for the Goose

    Anything over 40 hours I'm "asked" to work gets compensated, either as Over Time or Comp Time. I usually have my choice, and depending on the amount of hours...

  • RE: What's Your Ideal DBA Job?

    Andeavour (6/29/2009)

    Well James, your position sounds prety perfect to me. In fact if you want a replacement I'd be only too happy to step in (20 years working with a...

  • RE: What's Your Ideal DBA Job?

    I'm nearly 50 now so retiring in the next year is highly unlikely 😀

    However I think I'm in the perfect job now (I've had to work to get here) but...

  • RE: Full Text Search Time Out on First Run

    Thank you for answering your own question, It assisted me greatly. To answer your second question simply run the stored procedure without the second paramer (example: sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature') and...

  • RE: Do You Verify Your Database Backups?

    The backup is not complete until I've restored it on a test machine. I know not everyone has this capability but since I've always been on small teams that...

  • RE: A Dearth of Comments

    bob.willsie (1/5/2009)

    Thirty Now, n+ languages later, and 30 years wiser, I document the hell out of anything but the simplest code.


    Because at 3:00am, after you've been burning your...

  • RE: A Dearth of Comments

    I work for the US Government and have for 15 or my 20 years programming. When I was first starting I hated documenting anything other than the inline comments...

  • RE: insert into relational tables

    I don't know about using a View and a Trigger but you might look into using a Stored Procedure. In theory it could take all the data and perform...

  • RE: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help

    Jeff Moden (11/27/2007)

    Long time no "see", James. Thanks for the compliments...

    Your Welcome, I still pop in every day and review several posts but have not had the time to...

  • RE: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help

    Nice article Jeff. Great "how to" without being to pushy. Nothing puts me off answering a post like having to much "up front" work so I can test...

  • RE: Upgrade from standard to enterprise

    Patrick, as far as I know Enterprise Edition will run on anything Standard Edition will run on, but like anything else you'll get better performance with better equipment and...

  • RE: Upgrade from standard to enterprise

    colin Leversuch-Roberts (10/12/2007)

    you're all missing the point about an upgrade here.

    Colin, I don't think I missed the point (maybe didn't articulate it well) but the point was "What...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 291 total)