Your Right To Be An Idiot

  • sure - smoking's an addiction - so're Johnnie Walkers & Ronald McDonald - re: ssword's "fat farm sentencing"...all I can say is "one man's meat is..." - for if I don't get my daily tofu fix I visibly wilt by the end of the day...

    As for letting the King decide...I'd rather go with the Queen - the Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland) who shouted - "off with their heads"...lady after my own heart...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • There's an interesting blog at that's a bit too, well, right-wing for me - but I check it every once in a while because the blogger, John Hawkins, has a feature called ACPOTI, which stands for "Anyone Can Post on the Internet."

    John has a good eye for the absurd, and it's worthwhile to take a look at ACPOTI every once in a while to see just how crazy some of these clowns are.

    This stuff is equal-opportunity-nutcase, with posts ranging from, "Bill Clinton is Every Bit as Advanced A Witch As Was Hitler" to "George Bush's America - Is It the Fourth Reich?"

    Being a card-carrying member of the IJC, my favorite among the tinfoil-hat crowd are, of course, the posts about "ZOG", or "Zionist Occupation Government" (referring to the US gov't)

    Best Regards,


    Executive Vice-President for Media Control

    International Jewish Conspiracy

  • well if they are taking over... I hope they get someone english to draw the borders.. the israeli / palastintian border is proof they are in short supplies of rulars (rulers )... it looks like it was drawn by a three year old with crayons...

    Technically I think in the States you need to be born in America to get the juicy government jobs.

    I think the fundimental premise is a mistake that  the other side(s) suppose that if you get a government job it's actualy a good thing.

    And if there are more americans of jewish faith in government, there should be some sort of pity to be had.

    Civil servant employment is kind of like giving up, especially in America, where most policy is waterdowned so much its surprising a budget gets passed, let alone it gets to right places. 

    Imagine working for a place where if you want to put a production db server up you need to wait six months for pubilc tender for the software, hardware and backup devices.  After the numerous credit checks, security checks, board room meeting to get approval from the half a dozen procurement officers, since now its such a good idea, all departments want one.

    So you redesign the product to incorporate all the departments

    So a year later and some of the equipment arrives, turns out everyone in the corporate world has all ready bought up the most of the hardware spec'ed out.  Not all the vendors met the criteria for the credit, security, employment hiring policies, etc...

    So your down to the biggest vendor and possibly one other who might be able to get the numbers of hardware needed.

    The government is on credit hold for not paying their previous bills.  They need to get approval from congress for a tax hike to get the coin for the new product.

    Congress wont do it without tacking on a rider bil to add more stop lights or whatever.

    Bill gets turned down, no funding, not enough equipment to go around to all the departments.  Project cancelled, and or scaled back so far to be of little use.

  • "If there is anything in this world that wants to squash your freedom and your life in the name of some twisted deity more than Islam, Im ready to listen."


    -- Stephen Cook

  • Have we turned into Slashdot? That's the sort of post I'd expect to see there. You may not agree with everything/anything he's done, but I'd not go so far to claim that he, or any past president of the USA, has a desire to squash your freedom and your life more than the twisted individuals/groups leading terror attacks against the USA and anyone else who disagrees with them.

    Ugh. Once again - this is supposed to be a discussion about how you have a right to be stoopid, even if other people are offended by that. Heck, I disagree with a bunch of people about all sorts of political/religious/other topics, but I'll defend their right to spout off what I consider nonsense. However, if someone else chooses to fire them, ostracize them, not buy their product (gasp!), etc because of what they said, I will not say that they have a right to protection from those. Free speech implies responsibility.

    And before everyone thinks that the USA has such huge restrictions on free speech, consider the fact that you can post a message saying that you don't like XYZ government official/policy to this, or any other, forum in the USA and the government will not come to "visit" you. I have relatives living in countries where they can't do that. I also have other relatives who have fought to ensure that you have that right and that freedom.


  • no terrorist in the world has the power to do anything to my freedom, except to be used as an excuse by the above mentioned favorite-president-of-mine to whip out some more anti-constitutional executive powers. i'm pretty sure the terrorists would care much less about us if our country stopped meddling in their affairs, whereas our own government would still be right there screwing us citizens over.

    and if you don't like my posts, feel free to not read them (while you defend my right to type them in).

    -- Stephen Cook

  • So, do you want to explain how those terrorists didn't take away any freedoms when the World Trade Center was attacked? Seems to me that they did a pretty good job hurting a lot of people's freedom then. I also contend that if you lived in China or other countries, you wouldn't have nearly as much freedom to type something like the above. That's been all over the news lately.

    I disagree that they'd stop if we just left them alone, but respect your right to that opinion. As for the government screwing us over, I'd say that it's larger than the man in the oval office or any particular party. Still like Tom Clancy's description of how to fix it in one of his novels with a "don't send more politicians to Washington - send business men, community leaders, people with honor" approach. It would be really nice to see for a change.

    As for not reading the posts - no filter system on these forums. 🙂 And I do still defend your right to type in the posts, just that I don't particularly like it when people type in how bad it is over here when it's a whole lot worse in other places.

  • Another mistake is the presumption that terrorism is just against you Americans...those people are taught to hate and fear non islamic people whereever ...that's a fact.

    The 'good' book banned in Saudi Arabia, and I imagine most other Islamic nations... oddly I suppose not in Afghanistan and Iraq no longer, for some reason.

    I, against my better judgement, think that women should have property rights, vote and not be forced into getting a ghastly circumscision.

    Also, Pluralism is important, if reaffirming the concept to those who think otherwise requires more than a stern letter, I don't like it, but one has to defend pluralism otherwise the individual's rights against the 'state' will be if not diminished, renounced.

    The tools we vote for are all dumb, anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.  We just hope they can with all the money we can muster, make sure we have a way to get around, learn about the world, hopefully not lose or have stolen personal possessions we obtain through our efforts or the health we have, and have a chance to put food on plates and a roof over our heads.  Anything else is gravy.

    In my mind they (non pluralistic parties) are no different than petty crooks wrapped up in a fancy package called jihadism. They are grade school bullies who hide behind mohommad for whatever malefeasance they commit.  "Crying ... the older boy told me to do it, the older boy told me to do it."  That might work if you are four, or obviously in a mob of underemployed and under-educated people, but not upon further reasoning.

    In contrast Christ, said "Fine you think i'm wrong ... you wish to use some logic and some how make punishment be either one choice or another, then so be it", and its the self sacrifice without 'taking anyone else with you' that makes him noble. Whether his old man was the Big guy or not, thats not the point.  He just makes a good point.  An Ideal to attempt to live up to rather than a point to destroy other peoples lives.

    and bring on the steak... shushy ... you saddle on up too!

  • "So, do you want to explain how those terrorists didn't take away any freedoms when the World Trade Center was attacked?"

    what freedoms are you talking about?

    -- Stephen Cook

  • How about the freedom for all those people in the towers and below them that are all now dead.

    That's about as little freedom as possible I think.

  • I dunno, how about "life"? (yes, I realize that isn't a Constitutional freedom, but it's hard to enjoy the others when you don't have that)

  • ...for starters...

    Freedom to go about our business without worrying about planes ramming into buildings...

    Freedom to feel safe in our own homes...

    GPF...I disagree that all non-islamic people are hated equally...I think Americans rank high on the Islamic madrasas and their practice target boards..the trainee jihadists most definitely have a "hate America" chip implant set to "high priority"...

    As for - "will 'they' let us alone if we don't meddle so much"...maybe they will, maybe they won't - but yes - the perception out there (& "there" includes the rest of the world except for America's 32 allies - oh wait - maybe it's dropped to 28 now ?!?!) is definitely that America is a big bully...

    and Stephen - one last (definitely not "least") freedom - we lost the freedom (or am I confusing that with "ability") to think straight and elect wisely - a mistake compounded and intensified 'cos it was committed not once but twice..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • heh, the ole "freedom to be alive"... fair enough i suppose, just because i don't want to argue semantics on the internet. but i think it might be worth looking up the body counts from both the 911 incident and the invasion of iraq, and doing a quick comparison. and iraq had nothing to do with the terrorism, to boot.

    i don't want to argue politics either (my nasty habit is chiming in on message board with subjects that will never actually be resolved by debate). it just kind of annoys me when people rant about terrorists and their evil religion, when our own president is the other side of the same coin (both osama and gwb talk to god (presumably the same god that both their religions stole from the jews) and therefore have unrestricted access to the "truth" and "rightiousness")... especially when the terrorist actually has a cause (even if it is an misguided and antisocial one) while the president is just lining the pockets of his family and friends.

    please don't think of this as sympathizing with terrorism, i think it is stupid and evil like most people. i just can't stand that our defense against it is just as bad, if not worse, than the harm done to the extremely low number of people hurt by the terrorism in the first place. every citizen is losing rights every day, and it hasn't stopped any terrorism.

    "Freedom to go about our business without worrying about planes ramming into buildings...

    Freedom to feel safe in our own homes..."

    i feel safe.

    "we lost the freedom (or am I confusing that with "ability") to think straight and elect wisely - a mistake compounded and intensified 'cos it was committed not once but twice"

    we still have that freedom, most people just choose not to exercise it.

    -- Stephen Cook

  • Arrggggh!  So we averted a religious war only to start a political one? 

    I left my flame proof suit at home today, so I'll try to tread lightly here.

    We in the US cannot expect to be an example of Democracy for the world and take it upon ourselves to export those values unless we are prepared to actively support, defend AND practice those very same principles in our both own country and abroad.  Personally, I don't think we've done such a good job of this lately.

    One thing that I think we all can agree on is that as long as the US is an ally of Israel, we will be hated and villified by Islamic and other extemists.  It doesn't matter one bit how we treat them or how much we try to understand their culture.  Israel is their sworn enemy along with anyone who supports them.

    Should that dictate our foreign policy?  Absolutely not.  But then I'm afraid that this means the 'war' on terrorism has only just begun my friends.  And you can't shoot and bomb hate, intolerence and extremism out of existence.  That course only breeds more of the same.


    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • one only obtains wisdom by making mistakes... and economic indicators suggest they were not mistakes in the electoral process, despite highest oil prices and two major enviornmental disasters of all time, job rates are up, stock markets are healthy, white is white and black is black, the sky hasn't fallen....etc.

    GWB has done a reasonable job.  There was a time when politician's in America were revered especially during those sad times of slavery and native american genocidal policies; I wonder when baseball stopped being the national pasttime and instead slagging the leader, awfully british of you americans.

    America in not a big bully, you guys got your shit together, from a life, liberty and pursuit of happiness standpoint.  The problem is that grand idea makes it so that anyone else who pursues such an idea will be coined an american lackey, rather than just making sense.  So therefore if your country does not demonstrate those values then one can only be the enemy.  But why is that a problem?  Those values are not bad, unless your a control freak.

    And sushy if you are going to contribute I hold you in higher regard please bring a litle more to the table than a napkin. 

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 71 total)

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