
  • Whilst we're saying that we're afraid of computers being integrated into the key components of these vehicles and the risk that computer security/reliability brings, I must admit that ABS on my bike would be VERY much appreciated. I've seen bikes and owned cars with the system fitted and the advantages are huge.

    As with most things, it's about weighing up the risks... hundreds of people supporting and maintaining a 30 minute flight. Or a handful of people maintaining a bus for an eventually sleepy driver to driver for 5 hours.

    I know which I'd choose!

  • hello!

    I am spanish and deaf. I do not believe that virus attacks. it is conspiracy. to spanair does not want to give all the data and to save the indemnifications. Spanair trims the expenses. terrible maintenance. unfortunately airplane was damaged and continued flying with a defective piece (4 different cities: Stockholm, Madrid, Düsseldorf and Las Palmas). it makes difficult to the investigation and minimal indemnification. greetings from Madrid

  • Ben Moorhouse (10/14/2010)

    ... I've seen bikes and owned cars with the system fitted and the advantages are huge...

    My last car had ABS and I didn't like it at all. Especially on ice patches, it's got a mind of its own, and having the brakes constantly switching on and off makes it harder to do a controlled stop.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • oh! that's not cool then!

    My understanding is that the brakes are released when the front wheel stops completely although the back is still turning (ie isn't breaking anymore).

    Anyway, another conversation for another place. 🙂

  • Toby Harman (10/13/2010)


    I think we should trust our co-workers in this wonderful game that is IT not to do the stupidest thing that we can think of, and maybe we should suspect journalists who are paid to sensationalise the news...

    Um... Having come in to clean up various messes over the years, I can assure you that there are plenty of people who can come up with stupider things to do than I could ever think of, even on purpose, trying and studying really hard.

    Some of them don't even have to try hard, either.

    All discussions after some darn fool has been at work start with the same phrase,

    "Who would have EVER thought of doing that?"

    And don't get me started on the dumb things I've seen or heard of managers doing!

    Your point about journalists is spot on as long as you add the proviso that they actually understood the details. Quite a few are clueless.

  • david_wendelken (10/14/2010)

    Toby Harman (10/13/2010)


    I think we should trust our co-workers in this wonderful game that is IT not to do the stupidest thing that we can think of, and maybe we should suspect journalists who are paid to sensationalise the news...

    Um... Having come in to clean up various messes over the years, I can assure you that there are plenty of people who can come up with stupider things to do than I could ever think of, even on purpose, trying and studying really hard.

    Some of them don't even have to try hard, either.

    All discussions after some darn fool has been at work start with the same phrase,

    "Who would have EVER thought of doing that?"

    And don't get me started on the dumb things I've seen or heard of managers doing!

    Your point about journalists is spot on as long as you add the proviso that they actually understood the details. Quite a few are clueless.

    Care to swap a few stories?

    My favorite recent one is the network admin rebooting all servers and switches because ONE user couldn't connect on the network (out of 300 machines, which none of them were having issues).

  • jay holovacs (10/14/2010)

    My last car had ABS and I didn't like it at all. Especially on ice patches, it's got a mind of its own, and having the brakes constantly switching on and off makes it harder to do a controlled stop.

    I think that ABS done right is actually pretty good. I did a fair bit of ice-racing in pre-ABS days (both car and motorcycle), so I think I've got a pretty good handle on how to stop quickly while retaining the ability to steer. I've driven ABS systems that are too aggressive (reduced steering control under 'full' braking), and some that were not aggressive enough. In both cases I felt I would be able to outperform the ABS using manual braking.

    Contrast that with my Subaru (2009 Forester with the crappy drive-by-wire throttle that I complained about in an earlier post here). There is no way I can beat the performance of this ABS (actually, a full traction control system). Every wheel acts independently and the ABS (and other traction control mechanisms) adjusts based on how violent the evasive maneuvers are. I'm not going to say that a real expert couldn't beat the performance of this system, but I know that I can't and I doubt that most of the people I raced with could, either.

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