Yikes! SQL Master at Work.

  • I'm going through some scripts that my coworker wrote, for a good laugh.  The HR guy calls him the "SQL Master".

    He's coding against a very wide and flat OLTP table that he concocted.  He just piles rows upon rows of what he calls "history" into the working table to boot, so you have to get the latest row to work with.  I would use a CTE and partition by Id (whatever that may be, I can't tell) and grab a row_number then ditch the cursors, but He's the SQL Master.  Love the use of hard coded, smallmoney vars!

    Can you figure out what the end result is?  Good luck!

    --Note for 2018
    --AHMO_C is being sent for terms when ADP is expecting AHMO_E to match the offering in the COVG line.

    --*** Declare Global Variables
    DECLARE @EEIDCount int
    DECLARE @Tier varchar(5)
    DECLARE @selfm int
    DECLARE @partnerm int
    DECLARE @c1m int
    DECLARE @c2m int
    DECLARE @c3m int
    DECLARE @c4m int
    DECLARE @c5m int
    DECLARE @Depsm int
    DECLARE @selfd int
    DECLARE @partnerd int
    DECLARE @c1d int
    DECLARE @c2d int
    DECLARE @c3d int
    DECLARE @c4d int
    DECLARE @c5d int
    DECLARE @Depsd int
    DECLARE @selfv int
    DECLARE @partnerv int
    DECLARE @c1v int
    DECLARE @c2v int
    DECLARE @c3v int
    DECLARE @c4v int
    DECLARE @c5v int
    DECLARE @Depsv int

    DECLARE @c1fname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c1mname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c1lname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c1gen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c1dob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c1ssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @c1start smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c1end smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c2fname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c2mname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c2lname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c2gen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c2dob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c2ssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @c2start smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c2end smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c3fname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c3mname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c3lname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c3gen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c3dob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c3ssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @c3start smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c3end smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c4fname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c4mname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c4lname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c4gen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c4dob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c4ssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @c4start smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c4end smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c5fname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c5mname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c5lname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @c5gen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @c5dob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c5ssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @c5start smalldatetime
    DECLARE @c5end smalldatetime
    DECLARE @partnerfname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @partnermname varchar(1)
    DECLARE @partnerlname varchar(30)
    DECLARE @partnergen varchar(1)
    DECLARE @partnerdob smalldatetime
    DECLARE @partnerssn varchar(12)
    DECLARE @partnerstart smalldatetime
    DECLARE @partnerend smalldatetime

    DECLARE @covlevcode varchar(4)
    DECLARE @covlevdesc varchar(100)
    DECLARE @covemponly varchar(1)

    DECLARE @depcount int

    DECLARE @INS1_HMOE_Emp smallmoney = 63.41
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOU_Emp smallmoney = 359.30
    --/318.64/62.97/Employee only
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOE_Sp smallmoney = 185.99
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOU_Sp smallmoney = 743.96
    --/675.40/164.13/Employee +Sp
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOE_Ch smallmoney = 152.17
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOU_Ch smallmoney = 608.68
    --/552.59/134.28/Employee + Ch (ren)
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOE_Fam smallmoney = 262.18
    DECLARE @INS1_HMOU_Fam smallmoney = 1048.17

    DECLARE @INS1_POSE_Emp smallmoney = 90.02
    DECLARE @INS1_POSU_Emp smallmoney = 510.14
    --/452.41/89.40/Employee only
    DECLARE @INS1_POSE_Sp smallmoney = 212.45
    DECLARE @INS1_POSU_Sp smallmoney = 849.81
    --/771.50/187.48/Employee +Sp
    DECLARE @INS1_POSE_Ch smallmoney = 201.65
    DECLARE @INS1_POSU_Ch smallmoney = 806.59
    --/732.26/177.95/Employee + Ch (ren)
    DECLARE @INS1_POSE_Fam smallmoney = 284.47
    DECLARE @INS1_POSU_Fam smallmoney = 1137.88

    DECLARE @INS2E_Emp smallmoney = 62.67
    DECLARE @INS2U_Emp smallmoney = 355.12
    --/310.96/61.45/Employee only
    DECLARE @INS2E_Sp smallmoney = 158.76
    DECLARE @INS2U_Sp smallmoney = 635.03
    --/569.24/138.33/Employee +SP
    DECLARE @INS2E_Ch smallmoney = 150.40
    DECLARE @INS2U_Ch smallmoney = 601.61
    --/539.28/131.05/Employee + CH (ren)
    DECLARE @INS2E_Fam smallmoney = 217.25
    DECLARE @INS2U_Fam smallmoney = 868.99
    --/778.96/189.29/ Family

    DECLARE @PlanValueSelectedE smallmoney = 0
    DECLARE @PlanValueSelectedU smallmoney = 0

    DECLARE @PlanValue101LowE smallmoney = 0
    DECLARE @PlanValue101LowU smallmoney = 0

    DECLARE @PlanValue102LowE smallmoney = 0
    DECLARE @PlanValue102LowU smallmoney = 0

    DECLARE @PlanValue103LowE smallmoney = 0
    DECLARE @PlanValue103LowU smallmoney = 0

    DECLARE @OFFERID varchar(3) = ''

    DECLARE @01start varchar(15)
    DECLARE @01end varchar(15)
    DECLARE @02start varchar(15)
    DECLARE @02end varchar(15)
    DECLARE @03start varchar(15)
    DECLARE @03end varchar(15)
    DECLARE @04start varchar(15)
    DECLARE @04end varchar(15)

    --*** Declare Variables for eligible EEID

    DECLARE @EEID varchar(10)
    DECLARE @CovEndDate varchar(15)
    DECLARE @Waive varchar(1)
    DECLARE @WaiveCode varchar(2)
    DECLARE @WaiveDesc varchar(100)
    DECLARE @SSN varchar(12)
    DECLARE @FirstName varchar(30)
    DECLARE @LastName varchar(30)
    DECLARE @MidName varchar(1)
    DECLARE @Gender varchar(1)
    DECLARE @EEDOB smalldatetime
    DECLARE @StartDate smalldatetime
    DECLARE @dtmAdded smalldatetime
    DECLARE @add1 varchar(50)
    DECLARE @add2 varchar(50)
    DECLARE @addcity varchar(50)
    DECLARE @addstate varchar(50)
    DECLARE @addzip varchar(12)
    DECLARE @FEIN varchar(20)

    --*** Declare Variables for Coverage record

    DECLARE @CovID int
    DECLARE @Enroll_med varchar(6)
    DECLARE @Enroll_dent varchar(6)
    DECLARE @Enroll_vis varchar(6)
    DECLARE @Cov_end_date smalldatetime
    DECLARE @PlanName varchar(15)

    DECLARE @defaultcovenddate varchar(10)
    DECLARE @planstartdate varchar(10)
    DECLARE @planenddate varchar(10)
    DECLARE @offrstartdate varchar(10)
    DECLARE @offrname varchar(14)
    DECLARE @currentSSN varchar(20)

    SET @EEIDCount = 0
    SET @defaultcovenddate = '12/31/2018'
    SET @planstartdate = '1/1/2018'
    SET @planenddate = '12/31/2018'
    SET @offrstartdate = @planstartdate
    SET @offrname = convert(varchar,FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'MMddyyyyhhmmss'))
    SET @Waive = 'N'

    --Header Record (always required)
    Print 'HEAD' + '|' + ----- + '|' + 'UNIV'

    --*** Grab Eligible EEID from tbl_OPPEnrollMain for 2015
    --*** Eligible EEID will come from list generated from Invoices sent during 2015
    --*** EEID list will host in own table and run against EF table
    SELECT convert(int,[Column 1]),
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 11] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_final_covg] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1]) AS enddate,
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 15] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_final_covg] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1]) AS Waive,
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 16] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_final_covg] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1]) AS waivecode,
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 17] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_final_covg] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1]) AS waivedesc,
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 11] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '01') AS [01start],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 12] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '01') AS [01end],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 11] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '02') AS [02start],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 12] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '02') AS [02end],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 11] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '03') AS [03start],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 12] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '03') AS [03end],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 11] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '04') AS [04start],
    (SELECT TOP 1 [Column 12] FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_depi] WHERE [Column 1] = q.[Column 1] AND [Column 2] = '04') AS [04end]
    FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_list_ids] as q
    WHERE [Column 1] = (SELECT ID FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain WHERE ID = q.[Column 1] AND GPA_bill = 'NO')
    ORDER BY [Column 1]

    --SELECT [Column 1]
    --FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_aca_fin_list_ids] as q
    --WHERE [Column 1] = (SELECT ID FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain WHERE ID = q.[Column 1] AND GPA_bill = 'NO')
    --ORDER BY [Column 1]

    --SELECT DISTINCT [column 1]
    --FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_aca_fin_list_ids as q
    --ORDER BY [Column 1]

    FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig] as q

    --SELECT EEID FROM [gmstrscma].[tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig] ORDER BY EEID
    --SELECT ID, SSN, First_name, MI, Last_name, Gender, DOB FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain WHERE terminated is null or terminated = 'N' --temp query for testing
    OPEN OPP_Eligible

    --*** Loop through EEID list
    --INTO @EEID, @CovEndDate, @Waive, @WaiveCode, @WaiveDesc, @01start, @01end, @02start, @02end, @03start, @03end, @04start, @04end
    --INTO @EEID, @SSN, @FirstName, @MidName, @LastName, @Gender, @EEDOB
        -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
        WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
            --print @EEID
            SET @EEIDCount =@EEIDCount + 1
            SET @depcount = 0

            --*** Grab Most Recent EF Record from tbl_OPPEnrollMain
            SELECT isnull(SSN,''), First_name, MI, Last_name, Gender, DOB, [Start_date], dtmAdded, Cov_end_date, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, FEIN FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain WHERE ID = @EEID
            OPEN OPP_EF

            INTO @SSN, @FirstName, @MidName, @LastName, @Gender, @EEDOB, @StartDate, @dtmAdded, @Cov_end_date, @add1, @add2, @addcity, @addstate, @addzip, @FEIN

            CLOSE OPP_EF

            --*** Grab Most Recent Coverage Record from tbl_OPPCoverage
            DECLARE OPP_Coverage CURSOR FOR
            SELECT TOP 1 CASE
                        WHEN isnull(self_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS self_med,
                        WHEN isnull(dp_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS partner_med,
                        WHEN isnull(child1_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child1_med,
                        WHEN isnull(child2_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child2_med,
                        WHEN isnull(child3_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child3_med,
                        WHEN isnull(child4_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child4_med,
                        WHEN isnull(child5_med,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child5_med,
                        WHEN isnull(self_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS self_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(dp_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS partner_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(child1_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child1_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(child2_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child2_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(child3_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child3_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(child4_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child4_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(child5_dent,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child5_dent,
                        WHEN isnull(self_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS self_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(dp_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS partner_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(child1_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child1_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(child2_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child2_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(child3_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child3_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(child4_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child4_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(child5_vis,'N') = 'Y'
                            THEN 1
                            ELSE 0
                        END AS child5_vis,
                        WHEN isnull(waive_med,'N') = 'W'
                            THEN 'Y'
                            ELSE 'N'
                        END AS waive_med,

            isnull(Enroll_med,''), isnull(Enroll_dent,''), isnull(Enroll_vis,''), intID, First_name_child1, MI_child1, Last_name_child1, gender_child1, DOB_child1, SSN_child1, start_child1, end_child1, First_name_child2, MI_child2, Last_name_child2, gender_child2, DOB_child2, SSN_child2, start_child2, end_child2, First_name_child3, MI_child3, Last_name_child3, gender_child3, DOB_child3, SSN_child3, start_child3, end_child3, First_name_child4, MI_child4, Last_name_child4, gender_child4, DOB_child4, SSN_child4, start_child4, end_child4, First_name_child5, MI_child5, Last_name_child5, gender_child5, DOB_child5, SSN_child5, start_child5, end_child5, First_name_dp, MI_dp, Last_name_dp, gender_dp, dob_dp, SSN_dp, start_dp, end_dp

            FROM gmstrscma.tbl_OPPCoverage WHERE OPP_ID = @EEID and dtmDate < '2018-12-20' AND Open_enroll is null ORDER BY intID Desc
            OPEN OPP_Coverage

            FETCH NEXT FROM OPP_Coverage
            INTO @selfm, @partnerm, @c1m, @c2m, @c3m, @c4m, @c5m, @selfd, @partnerd, @c1d, @c2d, @c3d, @c4d, @c5d, @selfv, @partnerv, @c1v, @c2v, @c3v, @c4v, @c5v,@Waive, @Enroll_med, @Enroll_dent, @Enroll_vis, @CovID, @c1fname,

            CLOSE OPP_Coverage
            DEALLOCATE OPP_Coverage

    --GPA--Medical Plan Coverage Level Code-- always use " EE" , "EES', "EEC","FAM"
    --*** Determine Dependents
    --*** Set default vNalue to 0
    SET @Depsm = 0
    SET @covlevdesc = ''
    SET @covemponly = 'N'
    SET @PlanName = ''
    SET @Depsm = @selfm + @partnerm + @c1m + @c2m + @c3m + @c4m + @c5m --*** Medical Dependents
        IF (@Depsm > 1)
            IF (@Depsm > 2)
                IF (@partnerm = 1)
                    SET @covlevcode = 'FAM'
                    SET @covlevdesc = 'Employee Plus Family'
                    SET @covlevcode = 'EEC'
                    SET @covlevdesc = 'Employee Plus Child(ren)'
                IF (@partnerm = 1)
                    SET @covlevcode = 'EES'
                    SET @covlevdesc = 'Employee Plus Spouse'
                    SET @covlevcode = 'EEC'
                    SET @covlevdesc = 'Employee Plus Child(ren)'
            SET @covlevcode = 'EE'
            SET @covlevdesc = 'Employee Only'
        IF (@covlevcode = 'EE')
            SET @covemponly = 'Y'

        IF CHARINDEX('HMO', @Enroll_med) > 0
            SET @OFFERID = '101'
            SET @PlanName = 'INS1 HMO'

        IF CHARINDEX('PPO', @Enroll_med) > 0
            SET @OFFERID = '102'
            SET @PlanName = 'INS1 PPO'
        IF CHARINDEX('INS2', @Enroll_med) > 0
            SET @OFFERID = '103'
            SET @PlanName = 'INS2'

        --Determine COVG VALUES

        IF @covlevcode = 'EE'
            SET @PlanValue101LowE = @INS1_HMOE_Emp
            SET @PlanValue101LowU = @INS1_HMOU_Emp
            SET @PlanValue102LowE = @INS1_POSE_Emp
            SET @PlanValue102LowU = @INS1_POSU_Emp
            SET @PlanValue103LowE = @INS2E_Emp
            SET @PlanValue103LowU = @INS2U_Emp

            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 HMO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_HMOE_Emp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_HMOU_Emp
            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 PPO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_POSE_Emp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_POSU_Emp
            IF @PlanName = 'INS2'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS2E_Emp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS2U_Emp

        IF @covlevcode = 'EES'
            SET @PlanValue101LowE = @INS1_HMOE_Sp
            SET @PlanValue101LowU = @INS1_HMOU_Sp
            SET @PlanValue102LowE = @INS1_POSE_Sp
            SET @PlanValue102LowU = @INS1_POSU_Sp
            SET @PlanValue103LowE = @INS2E_Sp
            SET @PlanValue103LowU = @INS2U_Sp

            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 HMO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_HMOE_Sp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_HMOU_Sp
            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 PPO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_POSE_Sp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_POSU_Sp
            IF @PlanName = 'INS2'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS2E_Sp
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS2U_Sp

        IF @covlevcode = 'EEC'
            SET @PlanValue101LowE = @INS1_HMOE_Ch
            SET @PlanValue101LowU = @INS1_HMOU_Ch
            SET @PlanValue102LowE = @INS1_POSE_Ch
            SET @PlanValue102LowU = @INS1_POSU_Ch
            SET @PlanValue103LowE = @INS2E_Ch
            SET @PlanValue103LowU = @INS2U_Ch

            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 HMO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_HMOE_Ch
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_HMOU_Ch
            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 PPO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_POSE_Ch
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_POSU_Ch
            IF @PlanName = 'INS2'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS2E_Ch
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS2U_Ch

        IF @covlevcode = 'FAM'
            SET @PlanValue101LowE = @INS1_HMOE_Fam
            SET @PlanValue101LowU = @INS1_HMOU_Fam
            SET @PlanValue102LowE = @INS1_POSE_Fam
            SET @PlanValue102LowU = @INS1_POSU_Fam
            SET @PlanValue103LowE = @INS2E_Fam
            SET @PlanValue103LowU = @INS2U_Fam

            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 HMO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_HMOE_Fam
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_HMOU_Fam
            IF @PlanName = 'INS1 PPO'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS1_POSE_Fam
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS1_POSU_Fam
            IF @PlanName = 'INS2'
                SET @PlanValueSelectedE = @INS2E_Fam
                SET @PlanValueSelectedU = @INS2U_Fam

        --If employee start date is prior to plan year start date then set OFFR Start and Coverage date equal to plan year start date
        If convert(smalldatetime,@StartDate,101) < convert(smalldatetime,@planstartdate,101)
            SET @offrstartdate = convert(varchar,@planstartdate,101)
            SET @offrstartdate = convert(varchar,@StartDate,101)

        --If waive_med = y then "Waive Desc" will show up on the COVG line. Please verify that it is indeed a waive. If not remove desc and change Y to N
        IF @Waive = 'Y'
            SET @WaiveCode = '06'
            SET @WaiveDesc = 'Waive'
            SET @WaiveCode = ''
            SET @WaiveDesc = ''

            --comment out below when done
            --print convert(varchar,@EEID)
    --Employee Identifier Record (always required)

    --Record Type
    'EEID' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Participant SSN
    convert(varchar,@SSN) + '|' +

    --Participant First Name
    @FirstName + '|' +

    --Participant Middle Name
    @MidName + '|' +

    --Participant Last Name
    @LastName + '|' +

    @Gender + '|' +

    --Date of Birth

    --Offer Record (required when eligible event triggers) 3 records thus far all hard coded 101(INS1 HMO), 102(INS1 PPO), 103(INS2)
    --101(INS1 HMO)
    --Record Type
    'OFFR' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Event Reason
    'AE' + '|' +

    --Event Date
    convert(varchar,@offrstartdate,101) + '|' +

    --Coverage Start Date
    convert(varchar,@offrstartdate,101) + '|' +

    --Plan Year Start Date
    --'1/1/' + convert(varchar,year(getDate())) + '|' +
    @planstartdate + '|' +

    --Plan Year End Date
    --'12/31/' + convert(varchar,year(getDate())) + '|' +
    @planenddate + '|' +

    --Transaction Date
    convert(varchar,FORMAT(@dtmAdded, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ffffff tt'))

    --Eligibility Record (required when reporting eligible plans) 3 plans avail 101(INS1 HMO), 102(INS1 PPO), 103(INS2)
    --101(INS1 HMO) Self
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'AHMO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 HMO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EE' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Only' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOE_Emp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOU_Emp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --101(INS1 HMO) Spouse
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'AHMO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 HMO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EES' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Spouse' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOE_Sp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOU_Sp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --101(INS1 HMO) Child
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'AHMO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 HMO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EEC' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Child(ren)' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOE_Ch) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOU_Ch) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --101(INS1 HMO) Family
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'AHMO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 HMO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'FAM' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Family' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOE_Fam) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS1_HMOU_Fam) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --102(INS1 PPO) Self
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'APPO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 PPO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EE' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Only' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSE_Emp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSU_Emp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --102(INS1 PPO) Spouse
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'APPO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 PPO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EES' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Spouse' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSE_Sp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSU_Sp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --102(INS1 PPO) Child
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'APPO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 PPO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EEC' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Child(ren)' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSE_Ch) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSU_Ch) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --102(INS1 PPO) Family
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'APPO_E' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS1 PPO' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'FAM' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Family' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSE_Fam) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar, @INS1_POSU_Fam) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --103(INS2) Self
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EE' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Only' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2E_Emp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2U_Emp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --103(INS2) Spouse
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EES' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Spouse' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2E_Sp) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2U_Sp) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --103(INS2) Child
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'EEC' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Child(ren)' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2E_Ch) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2U_Ch) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --103(INS2) Family
    --Record Type
    'ELIG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Offer Identifier
    @offrname + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    -- change value based on column above(Medical Plan Code)
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    'INS2' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    'FAM' + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    'Employee Plus Family' + '|' +

    --Employee Only Coverage Level Flag
    'N' + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2E_Fam) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@INS2U_Fam) + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Dependent Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Spouse Coverage Available
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    'N' + '|' +

    --ACA Base Plan Acturial Value Percentage
    '' + '|' +

    --Wait Period Indicator
    'Y' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage

    --Coverage Record (required when reporting coverage)
    --Record Type
    'COVG' + '|' +

    --Participant Identifier @EEID
    convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

    --Event Reason
    'AE' + '|' +

    --Event Date
    convert(varchar,@StartDate,101) + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Code
    @Enroll_med + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Description
    --'INS1 HMO' + '|' +
    @PlanName + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Code
    @covlevcode + '|' +

    --Medical Plan Coverage Level Description
    @covlevdesc + '|' +

    --Monthly Employee Cost
    convert(varchar,@PlanValueSelectedE) + '|' +

    --Monthly Employer Cost
    convert(varchar,@PlanValueSelectedU) + '|' +

    --Coverage Start Date
    convert(varchar,@startdate,101) + '|' +

    --Coverage End Date
    --convert(varchar,isnull(@Cov_end_date,''),101) + '|' +
    isnull(convert(varchar,@Cov_end_date,101), @defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

    --Self-Insured Plan
    '' + '|' +

    --Minimum Essential Coverage
    '' + '|' +

    --Minimum Value Plan
    '' + '|' +

    --Waived Coverage check to make sure this is working
    @Waive + '|' +

    --Reason for Waiver Code this one too
    @WaiveCode + '|' +

    --Reason for Waiver Description this one too
    @WaiveDesc + '|' +

    --Transaction Date
    convert(varchar,FORMAT(@dtmAdded, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ffffff tt')) + '|' +

    --Coverage Identifier

    --Dependent Record (required when reporting dependents)
    --PRINT convert(varchar,isnull(@partnerdob,''),101) + '|'
    SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@partnerssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
    IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
        IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
            SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'

    IF (@partnerm = 1)
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@partnerssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@partnerfname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@partnermname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@partnerlname,'') + '|' +

        'Spouse' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'Y' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@partnerdob,''),101) + '|' +

        isnull(@partnergen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        --'GPA--Coverage Start Date' + '|' +
        isnull(convert(varchar,@partnerstart,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date (removed doc 3.0)
        --'GPA--Coverage End Date' + '|' +
        isnull(convert(varchar,@partnerend,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier (removed doc 3.0)

    --Child 1
    IF @c1m = 1
        SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@c1ssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
        IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
            IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
                SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        IF (@partnerm <> 1)
            SET @04start = @03start
            SET @04end = @03end
            SET @03start = @02start
            SET @03end = @03end
            SET @02start = @01start
            SET @02end = @01end    
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@c1ssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@c1fname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@c1mname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@c1lname,'') + '|' +

        'Child' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'N' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@c1dob,''),101) + '|' +

        isnull(@c1gen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c1start,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c1end,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +
        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier

        --Child 2
    IF @c2m = 1
        SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@c2ssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
        IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
            IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
                SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@c2ssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@c2fname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@c2mname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@c2lname,'') + '|' +

        'Child' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'N' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@c2dob,''),101) + '|' +
        isnull(@c2gen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c2start,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c2end,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier

        --Child 3
    IF @c3m = 1
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@c3ssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
        IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
            IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
                SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@c3ssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@c3fname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@c3mname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@c3lname,'') + '|' +

        'Child' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'N' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@c3dob,''),101) + '|' +
        isnull(@c3gen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c3start,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c3end,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier

        --Child 4
    IF @c4m = 1
        SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@c4ssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
        IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
            IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
                SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@c4ssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@c4fname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@c4mname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@c4lname,'') + '|' +

        'Child' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'N' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@c4dob,''),101) + '|' +
        isnull(@c4gen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c4start,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c4end,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier

        --Child 5
    IF @c5m = 1
        SET @currentSSN = replace(replace(isnull(@c5ssn,''),' ',''),'-','')
        IF LEN(@currentSSN) > 0
            IF ISNUMERIC(@currentSSN) <> 1
                SET @currentSSN = 'BADSSN'
        SET @depcount = @depcount + 1
        --Record Type
        'DEPI' + '|' +

        --Participant Identifier @EEID
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '|' +

        --Dependent Identifier
        convert(varchar,@EEID) + '-0' + convert(varchar,@depcount) + '|' +

        --Dependent SSN
        --isnull(@c5ssn,'') + '|' +
        @currentSSN + '|' +

        --Dependent First Name
        isnull(@c5fname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Middle Name
        isnull(@c5mname,'') + '|' +

        --Dependent Last Name
        isnull(@c5lname,'') + '|' +

        'Child' + '|' +

        --Spouse Indicator
        'N' + '|' +

        --Dependent Date of Birth
        convert(varchar,isnull(@c5dob,''),101) + '|' +

        isnull(@c5gen,'N/A') + '|' +

        --Coverage Start Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c5start,101),@planstartdate) + '|' +

        --Coverage End Date
        isnull(convert(varchar,@c5end,101),@defaultcovenddate) + '|' +

        '' + '|' +

        --Coverage Identifier

        FETCH NEXT FROM OPP_Eligible
        --INTO @EEID, @SSN, @FirstName, @MidName, @LastName, @Gender, @EEDOB
        INTO @EEID
        --INTO @EEID, @CovEndDate, @Waive, @WaiveCode, @WaiveDesc, @01start, @01end, @02start, @02end, @03start, @03end, @04start, @04end

    CLOSE OPP_Eligible

    --Footer Record (required)
    Print 'FOOT' + '|' + convert(varchar,@EEIDCount)

  • My OCD kicked in and I rewrote as best I could.  Not perfect, but performs much better!  

    -- Notes: We would not need to include dbo.vwOPPCoverage if the database were designed correctly.
    -- No indexes on any table! ?????
    -- The current database has no referential integrity or normalization. It is a garbage bin with duplicate rows and haphazard design.
    -- Because of this, many hours or work and jumping through hoops needs to be done in order to return any data that makes sense.
    -- SSN numbers need to be hashed. Why would you allow garbage data into the database? GIGO

    -- EEID lines
    select distinct
         'EEID' As LineType
        ,ISNULL(cm.SSN, 0) As SSN
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain cm
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
        e.EEID = cm.id
        dbo.vwOPPCoverage c -- View contains row_number on records, CTE with partition by.
        c.OPP_ID = e.EEID
        c.RowNum = 1

    select distinct
         'OFFR' As LineType
        ,CAST(FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'MMddyyyyhhmmss') As NVarChar(25))
        ,case when cm.[Start_Date] < CAST('1/1/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date) then FORMAT(CAST('1/1/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') else FORMAT(CAST(cm.[Start_Date] As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') end
        ,case when cm.[Start_Date] < CAST('1/1/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date) then FORMAT(CAST('1/1/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') else FORMAT(CAST(cm.[Start_Date] As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') end
        ,FORMAT(CAST('1/1/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy')
        ,FORMAT(CAST('12/31/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As NVarChar(4)) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy')
        ,CAST(FORMAT(cm.dtmAdded, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ffffff tt') As NVarChar(50))
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain cm
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
        e.EEID = cm.id
        dbo.vwOPPCoverage c
        c.OPP_ID = e.EEID
        c.RowNum = 1

    --    ELIG lines
    select distinct
        ,CAST(e.EEID As NVarChar(15)) As EEID
        ,CAST(FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'MMddyyyyhhmmss') As NVarChar(25))
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain cm
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
        e.EEID = cm.id
        dbo.vwOPPCoverage c
        c.OPP_ID = e.EEID
        c.RowNum = 1
        dbo.ACAPlanCost pc -- No hard coded smallmoney vars.

    -- We would not need this step if the dependents where in a table joined to the enrollees instead of flat file style.
    ;with DependentTruthTable (OPP_ID, SpouseMed, ChildrenMed, ChildrenDent, ChildrenVis)
        select distinct
            ,cov.partner_med As SpouseMed
            ,case when cov.child1_med + cov.child2_med + cov.child3_med + cov.child4_med + cov.child5_med > 0 then 1 else 0 end As ChildrenMed
            ,case when cov.child1_dent + cov.child2_dent + cov.child3_dent + cov.child4_dent + cov.child5_dent > 0 then 1 else 0 end As ChildrenDent
            ,case when cov.child1_vis + cov.child2_vis + cov.child3_vis + cov.child4_vis + cov.child5_vis > 0 then 1 else 0 end As ChildrenVis
            dbo.vwOPPCoverage cov
            gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
            e.EEID = cov.OPP_ID
            cov.RowNum = 1

    -- COVG lines
    select distinct
         'COVG' As LineType
        ,'AE' As PlanAbbv
        ,FORMAT(CAST(cm.[Start_Date] As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') As PlanStart
        ,FORMAT(CAST(cm.[Start_Date] As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') As PlanStartB
        ,FORMAT(CAST(isnull(cm.Cov_end_date, '12/31/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As nvarchar(4))) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') As CovEnd
        ,'' As B1
        ,'' As B2
        ,'' As B3
        ,isnull(c.waive_med, 'Y') As Waive
        ,case isnull(c.waive_med, 'Y') when 'Y' then '06' else '' end As WaiveCode
        ,case isnull(c.waive_med, 'Y') when 'Y' then 'Waive' else '' end As WaiveText
        ,FORMAT(cm.dtmAdded, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ffffff tt') As DateAdded
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPPEnrollMain cm
        gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
        e.EEID = cm.id
        dbo.vwOPPCoverage c
        c.OPP_ID = e.EEID
        c.RowNum = 1
        DependentTruthTable d
        d.OPP_ID = e.EEID
        dbo.ACAPlanCost pc
        pc.PlanCode = c.Enroll_med
        pc.Spouse = d.SpouseMed
        pc.Child = d.ChildrenMed

    -- Unpivot the damned dependents! Why would you store them all in one @#@#%$^ row?
    -- We would not need this step if the database were designed correctly.
    -- New DB build will normalize Enrollees and dependents.
    ;with Dependents (OPP_ID, ID_Count, EnrolledBit, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, TypeCode, SpouseBit, DOB, Gender, Start, EndCovDate)
        select distinct
            ,c.OPP_ID + '-' + CAST(d.ID As NVarchar(2))
            ,FORMAT(d.DOB, 'MM/dd/yyyy')
            ,FORMAT(CAST(isnull(d.Start, '01/01/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As nvarchar(4))) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy')
            ,FORMAT(CAST(isnull(d.EndCovDate, '12/31/' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, getdate()) As nvarchar(4))) As Date), 'MM/dd/yyyy')
            dbo.vwOPPCoverage c
            gmstrscma.tbl_OPP_ACA_Elig e
            e.EEID = c.OPP_ID
             case c.Partner_med when 0 then 0 else 1 end As ID
            ,c.Partner_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_dp As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_dp As FirstName
            ,c.MI_dp As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_dp As LastName
            ,'Spouse' As TypeCode
            ,'Y' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_dp As DOB
            ,c.gender_dp As Gender
            ,c.start_dp As Start
            ,c.end_dp As EndCovDate

            union all

             case when c.Partner_med = 0 then case when c.child1_med = 0 then 0 else 1 end else case when c.child1_med = 0 then 0 else 2 end end As ID
            ,c.child1_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_child1 As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_child1 As FirstName
            ,c.MI_child1 As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_child1 As LastName
            ,'Child' As TypeCode
            ,'N' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_child1 As DOB
            ,c.gender_child1 As Gender
            ,c.start_child1 As Start
            ,c.end_child1 As EndCovDate

            union all

             case when c.Partner_med = 0 then case when c.child2_med = 0 then 0 else 2 end else case when c.child2_med = 0 then 0 else 3 end end As ID
            ,c.child2_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_child2 As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_child2 As FirstName
            ,c.MI_child2 As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_child2 As LastName
            ,'Child' As TypeCode
            ,'N' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_child2 As DOB
            ,c.gender_child2 As Gender
            ,c.start_child2 As Start
            ,c.end_child2 As EndCovDate

            union all

             case when c.Partner_med = 0 then case when c.child3_med = 0 then 0 else 3 end else case when c.child3_med = 0 then 0 else 4 end end As ID
            ,c.child3_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_child3 As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_child3 As FirstName
            ,c.MI_child3 As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_child3 As LastName
            ,'Child' As TypeCode
            ,'N' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_child3 As DOB
            ,c.gender_child3 As Gender
            ,c.start_child3 as Start
            ,c.end_child3 As EndCovDate

            union all

             case when c.Partner_med = 0 then case when c.child4_med = 0 then 0 else 4 end else case when c.child4_med = 0 then 0 else 5 end end As ID
            ,c.child4_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_child4 As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_child4 As FirstName
            ,c.MI_child4 As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_child4 As LastName
            ,'Child' As TypeCode
            ,'N' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_child4 As DOB
            ,c.gender_child4 As Gender
            ,c.start_child4 As Start
            ,c.end_child4 As EndCovDate

            union all

             case when c.Partner_med = 0 then case when c.child5_med = 0 then 0 else 5 end else case when c.child5_med = 0 then 0 else 6 end end As ID
            ,c.child5_med As EnrolledBit
            ,c.SSN_child5 As SSN
            ,c.First_Name_child5 As FirstName
            ,c.MI_child5 As MiddleName
            ,c.Last_Name_child5 As LastName
            ,'Child' As TypeCode
            ,'N' As SpouseBit
            ,c.DOB_child5 As DOB
            ,c.gender_child5 As Gender
            ,c.start_child5 As Start
            ,c.end_child5 As EndCovDate
        ) d (ID, EnrolledBit, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, TypeCode, SpouseBit, DOB, Gender, Start, EndCovDate)    
            c.RowNum = 1


         'DEPI' As LineType
        ,'' As B1
    from Dependents where EnrolledBit = 1

  • Looks like you are having fun:D

    I do have a comment - avoid FORMAT if the same formatting can be achieved with convert - check https://sqlperformance.com/2015/06/t-sql-queries/format-is-nice-and-all-but

  • frederico_fonseca - Friday, October 19, 2018 4:28 PM

    Looks like you are having fun:D

    I do have a comment - avoid FORMAT if the same formatting can be achieved with convert - check https://sqlperformance.com/2015/06/t-sql-queries/format-is-nice-and-all-but

    Thank you!

  • I do prefer convert due to the extra functionality over cast. And from a standard point of view I think its better to stick with a single format type unless there are significant performance differences between them.

  • frederico_fonseca - Friday, October 19, 2018 5:03 PM

    I do prefer convert due to the extra functionality over cast. And from a standard point of view I think its better to stick with a single format type unless there are significant performance differences between them.

    Also, internally SQL Server will change a CAST to a CONVERT.
    If you try this and look at the execution plan SELECT CAST(C AS bigint) FROM (VALUES (1),(2),(3)) T(C)
    you will see this within the execution plan:
               <ScalarOperator ScalarString="CONVERT(bigint,[Union1003],0)">
            <Convert DataType="bigint" Style="0" Implicit="false">

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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