YearMonth query

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a table with a Year column and a Month column where the year corresponds with the month.

    I'm having trouble with a query though.

    This is what i want to do.

    SELECT Year, Month FROM table

    WHERE Year AND Month Between Year AND Month

    I've created a dateserial function, but this table does not have a day column.

    Can anyone provide me any suggestions?

  • Here's the correct solution :

    Select Whatever from dbo.Table where DateCol between @DateStart and @DateEnd.

    Can you remerge the month/year columns into a smalldatetime column?

  • I cannot merge the columns because the table is being used for import in another application. 

    The application will reject the table if it is not in this format.

  • k. can you give data samples, the parameters for the where conditions and the expected results?

  • You should be able to merge the columns within the selection contstraint: i.e..

    WHERE CONVERT( varchar, CONVERT( smalldatetime, [Month] + '/01/' + [Year]) BETWEEN '01/01/2005' AND '07/01/2005'

    That should not impact the actual columns you use to pass into another application. 

    (btw, I used CONVERT( varchar,   ....... , 101) because it displays without the timestamp.  It is not actually required to make this work unless the time is of issue...). 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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