Xquery striping XML having problems separating records

  • Got a problem stripping XML, really just because I am lost on Xquery:

    Heres what I am doing:

    Declare @Xml XML

    Set @Xml = '<Response xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">



    <ProviderName>API Previewer</ProviderName>







    <Name>Skyops Ltd</Name>








    <Description>For Full ColourAdvertisment in 2012</Description>













    <Name>Spiedonme Ltd</Name>





    SELECT @xml.query('/Response/Status').value('.','varchar(100)')

    -- results from this one good, all I want to do is ensure that I get an 'OK'

    SELECT @xml.query('//ContactID[1]').value('.','varchar(40)') as ContactId,

    @xml.query('//Name[1]').value('.','varchar(200)') as CompanyName

    FROM @xml.nodes('//ContactID') AS x(y)

    --This is where I just don't get it.

    My results are:

    cf36ef98zzzzz98Skyops LtdSpiedonme Ltd

    cf36ef98zzzzz98Skyops LtdSpiedonme Ltd

    --Basically bunched to gether.

    --I want something more like:

    cf36ef98 Skyops Ltd

    zzzzz98Spiedonme Ltd

    what am I doing wrong?

    Ideally I want to put the results of the second query into a table so I can do more with it, But I reckon I can figure out how to do that , once I get the results in the right format.

  • Try this

    SELECT x.r.value('(Contact/ContactID/text())[1]','VARCHAR(40)') AS ContactID,

    x.r.value('(Contact/Name/text())[1]','VARCHAR(200)') AS Name

    FROM @Xml.nodes('/Response/Invoices/Invoice') AS x(r)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Thanks heaps, that works well.

    Haven't done much previously with XML data in T-SQL, but once you get the hang of it, it fast and easy enough, just mind numbing when you write For xml explicit queries.

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