XPSMTP to send out a list of outstanding actions

  • I want to send a reminder every morning to users with overdue actions. (Actions due by yesterday)

    So I need to loop through the actions table and identify users with outstanding actions.

    I then need to construct an email for each user containing a summary of overdue actions.

    I guess that 8000 characters @Message probably enough but as I can't be sure might be better to create an attachment.

    Not really sure where to start and would appreciate a pointer to any examples which demonstrate XPSMTP being used for multiple emails. I guess I need two loops, one for the users and one to create the message text if I create a procedure and run this from a job. Alternatively would I be better off using DTS and creating a file.

  • A thought, the userid is in the Actions table so I could order the Actions on userid, build a message while the userid stayed the same. Then email this before moving on to the next user.

    I guess a cursor best way of doing this if I can live with the 8000 character limit. Otherwise I guess that I have to use DTS and create a text file.

    Ideas on approach and pointers to examples would be much appreciated.

  • Check http://www.sqldev.net/xp/xpsmtp.htm#Usage for sample of "using variables".


  • Hey StephanJ

    Some approaches that I could think of are:

    [Approach 1 : Go SQL Server all the way]

    1) Create a stored procedure to identify user e-mails with overdue stuff from yesterday then use a cursor and the xp_sendmail SQL Server system extended stored procedure to send the e-mail reminders (for info on xp_sendmail, refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tsqlref/ts_xp_aa-sz_6hbg.asp)

    2) Create a job that calls the stored proc.  Schedule the job to run daily starting at xx:xx a.m.

    [Approach 2 : Go SQL Server half-way]

    1) Create a VBScript file to do the e-mail stuff from step 1 in Approach 1 (do a search for CDONTS in either http://www.google.com OR http://www.msdn.com for examples on how to use the CDONTS e-mail component from VBScript).  This script file would still use the "identify user e-mails with overdue stuff from yesterday" functionality of the stored proc.

    2) Create another stored procedure that uses the xp_cmdshell SQL Server extended system stored procedure to run the script file from step 1 from the command prompt (for info on xp_cmdshell, refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tsqlref/ts_xp_aa-sz_4jxo.asp)

    Example: Command string for launching a VBScript file called send_overdue_reminders.vbs located in, say folder, C:\Scripts would be C:\Scripts\send_overdue_reminders.vbs

    3) Create a job that calls the stored proc from step 2.  Schedule the job to run daily starting at xx:xx a.m.

    [Approach 3 : Other]

    1) Same as step 1 from Approach 2

    2) Run the script as a Windows NT service using the command string from step 2 in Approach 2.

    Hopefully this will help you get started.  At the end, you would need to choose which approach works best for your situation.

    Good Luck,


  • Allen, thanks for the link, I did actually look at my print out of the file before asking the question.

  • JP, thanks for your detailed answer.

    [Approach 1 : Go SQL Server all the way]

    I could not get XP_SendMail to work so based on the advice on this site went the XP_SMTP_SENDMAIL route and found it worked perfectly.

    However following the link and looking at the examples, I guess I could adapt these using XP_SMTP_SENDMAIL. Will give it a go.

    I just had another thought, in a cursor I could test for the message length > than 8000 characters and send a second email if it is.

  • StefanJ

    You may find the attached useful by sending email as HTML.

    VBScript Interfaces in SQL Server 2000 Let You Transform Data and Provide Reports to Your Users



  • Tony, that looks really good. Many thanks.


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