XPSMTP.DLL replaced by Yukon SMTP email?

  • We're using XPSMTP.DLL (http://www.sqldev.net/xp/xpsmtp.htm) to send HTML emails from a SQL Server job, but we are having some problems with it.

    Does anyone know if SQL Server 2005 SMTP email will be able to replace this popular third-party tool and enable us to send HTML emails from a SQL Server job?

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • Hi Wayne,

    I've been looking into this and am happy to say that it should, MS have finally listened to the users and removed the dependance on outlook.  It's been a big annoyance here for a while (untill we came up with workarounds) as we're on 64-bit clustered SQL Servers and as you can imagine it's not an easy thing to get them working with 32-bit DLL's

    I think it's going to be called SQL iMail (unless they change the name before production).


  • What problems are you having? We've been using xp_smtp_sendmail for over 18 months without any issues.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • It's a 64-bit thing, the dll works exactly as I wanted it to on all of our 32-bit systems.

    Doesn't really matter as we came up with a workaround

  • We get this error:

    Error: disconnecting from server mail.***********.net failed [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0). The step failed.

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • Was anybody able to successfully test this on 64-bit sql server?


  • I've not been able to get xp_smtp working on 64bit and have reverted to the cdosys proc.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Test what? The dll from sqldev.net is a 32-bit dll, so as Mike says it does not work on 64-bit (though he seems to have some workaround). The smtp mail component in SQL Server 2005, now called Database Mail (used to be SQLiMail), does work on 64-bit.

  • Well..thats fine.  I reverted to cdosys.

  • Why not use 'Database Mail' that comes with SQL 2005??


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Yes, I am also looking into that but we need to move to 64-bit sql server ASAP.  I needed something in the interim.

  • I've also receive this error message:

    disconnecting from server failed.

    Does anybody know where is problem?


  • Problem is solved by complete reinstall of xp_smtp_sendmail

    dbcc xpsmtp80(free)

    exec sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_smtp_sendmail'

    EXEC sp_addextendedproc 'xp_smtp_sendmail', 'xpsmtp80.dll'

    grant execute on xp_smtp_sendmail to public

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