xp_test_mapi_profile : failed with mail error 0x80

  • I want to configure SQL Mail.

    I have created a mail profile in the same domain of the SQL Server startup service.

    But when i am writing that mail address while configuring and clicking "Test" its giving the following error.

    xp_test_mapi_profile : failed with mail error 0x80040111

    Can u tell me the reasons and how to reslove it.

    Thnks isn advance

  • Try http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnaskdr/html/askgui05292001.asp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Are you using MS exchange? If so make sure your SQL Server start up account is the same as your mail profile account. I know I had problems with that as well. If you are using WIN2K server, your SQL Service has to be stopped and restarted before it will recognize the profile you set up on the server. Hope that helps a little.

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