
  • Hi all,


    i need to use xp_servicecontrol to monitor remote servers services.

    Is it possible?

    I need to check if a services of a remote server is running or not.

    Please help me.

    tks in advance.


  • You might want to take the following approach:

    Check for the syntax though, since I haven't tried it:

    Link all your remote servers on single server. Configure it. Create a table 'Servers' with all your linked servers info, such as Server name, etc. Run a cursor against this table:

    declare @servername varchar(128)

    declare @serverid   int

    declare @sql  varchar(1024)

    Declare c1 cursor


    For Select  servername, serverid from Servers        

    Open c1 Fetch next from c1 into @servername, @serverid

    While @@fetch_status = 0 


    select @sql =  'EXEC ' + @servername + '.master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol ''QueryState'', ''SQLServerAgent'''

    Execute (@sql)

    print (@sql)

    fetch next from c1 into @servername, @serverid


    close c1

    deallocate c1


  • hi!

    you can use a command line utility called xnet, togheter xp_cmdshell extented proc, too !

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'xnet list \\servername'

    this will list all services running on ther remote computer, but you have to be, at least, a power user on the remote machine.

    you can download the xnet utility on the following link:


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