xp_cmdshell ''systeminfo''

  • i usually get a good amount of information about

    the server that i'm on when i run this, but what

    about running it against all servers in the environment?

    is this possible?

    then i could just export the output into an excel sheet

    or some thing.


  • Hi,

    this thing works for me for Windows 2003 servers, but does not work for Windows 2000 servers. I can run this query towards remote computers if I connect Object Explorer to the server and open a new query window towards this server.

    So I suggest to use OPENROWSET in a loop specifying each time a new server name. You can put your 2003 server names in a table, compose dynamic strings for your OPENROWSET with xp_cmdshell and then run the resulting queries.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • unfortunately i'm not that well versed in this and i don't

    know how to use OPENROWSET in a loop, dynamic stringg with xp_cmdshell.

    forgive me if i'm asking too much, but is there some sample

    code out there some where?

    thanks in advance.


  • For 2000 servers check the "msinfo32.exe" in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo folder...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • thanks for all the good feed back people!

    i'm looking over teh msinfo stuff now, and i'll

    see how i can hit all the servers in my environment

    at once.


  • If you're considering the use of 3rd party tools, you can look at SQL Farms. They have a tool that will execute your code on all databases and servers.

  • seems like there would be a free little utility some where

    which would allow you to do just that.

    ahh well... what can you do?


  • You can do this pretty quickly in C# if you are using windows authentication:

    The following C# will take two parameters - the first is the name of a script file and the second is the name of a file containing a list of servers which each server on its own line - this code has no bells and whistles and no error handling but might do the job for you:












    class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


    if(args.Length != 2 || File.Exists(args[0]) == false || File.Exists(args[1]) == false)





    string scriptToExecute = File.ReadAllText(args[0]);

    string[] serverList = File.ReadAllLines(args[1]);

    SqlConnectionStringBuilder connstr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

    connstr.IntegratedSecurity =



    foreach (string server in serverList)


    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("<SERVER name=\"{0}\">", server));

    connstr.DataSource = server;

    using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstr.ToString()))



    using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(scriptToExecute, conn))


    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    if(reader != null)


    DataTable dt = new DataTable("ROW");











    private static void PrintUsage()


    Console.WriteLine("Usage: SQLExecutor <scriptfile> <serverfile>");




    If you copy the above into a text file (SQLExecutor.cs) you should be able to compile it (assuming you have .net 2.0 installed) by running

    C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe /target:exe /out:SQLExecutor.exe SQLExecutor.cs

    Hope this helps

    - James


    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

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