xp_cmdshell not found

  • Hi,

    running a exec xp_cmdshell 'md c:\mydb'

    produces this error:

    Cannot find the function xp_cmdshell in the library xpstar.dll. Reason 127

    The XP was dropped and then added using addextende...

    Has anyone seen this before?


  • I guess I am responding to myself. I just realized that despite what I had seen in several articles, the correct dll to map to that XP is actually xplog70.dll and not xpstar.dll. That resolved my problem.

    Question, does anyone know of a list that could be used as a reference to corresponding dlls? (apart from looking at at the proprity of each XP).


  • Haven't seen one, but it would be useful. Hopefully another reader has it!



  • quote:

    Haven't seen one, but it would be useful. Hopefully another reader has it!

    Try this:

    select SPName = o.name, DLLName = c.text
    FROM syscomments c (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN sysobjects o (NOLOCK) ON c.id = o.id
    WHERE o.type = 'X' and c.text like '%.dll'
    order by SPName

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com

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