xp_CmdShell - Giving Back - Sproc ShortPathName

  • Have seen a lot of queries regarding xp_CmdShell and Command Prompt tricks... Here is one of mine...

    Ok, I know there are a lot of good reasons for not using xp_CmdShell, but, if your game, try this!

    Pass in a long path name and yuo'll get:

    1) a return code indicating if the path existed or not (0=No, 1=Yes)

    2) an Output variable that is the short path name corresponding to the input long path

    Use Common

    If Object_Id('ShortPathName') is not Null Drop Procedure ShortPathName

    Set Quoted_Identifier On

    Set ANSI_Nulls On

    Set ArithAbort On


    Create Procedure ShortPathName


     @LongPath VarChar(8000),

       @ShortPath VarChar(8000) Output



    Set NoCount On


       @rc Int,

       @Cmd VarChar(8000)

    -- Pre-format the input path.

    Set @LongPath=LTrim(RTrim(IsNull(@LongPath,'')))

    -- Return gracefully if blank path.

    If @LongPath='' Begin




       Goto Done



       -- Make sure the path is enclosed in double-quotes.

       @LongPath=Case Left(@LongPath,1) When '"' Then '' Else '"' End+@LongPath+

          Case Right(@LongPath,1)When '"' Then '' Else '"' End,

       -- Build tricky "DOS" command to coax out short-path name.

       @Cmd='For %I In ('+@LongPath+') Do @Echo %~dpnxsI'

    -- Set the return code to indicate if the path actually exists (0=No, 1=Yes).

    Set @rc=Common.dbo.PathExists(@LongPath)

    -- Create a temp table for xp_CmdShell results.

    If Object_Id('TempDB.dbo.#Exec Common.dbo.ShortPathName') is not Null Drop Table [#Exec Common.dbo.ShortPathName]

    Create Table [#Exec Common.dbo.ShortPathName](CmdLine VarChar(1024))

    -- Pick up the short-path name.

    Insert [#Exec Common.dbo.ShortPathName]

    Exec master.dbo.xp_CmdShell @Cmd

    Select Top 1 @ShortPath=CmdLine from dbo.[#Exec Common.dbo.ShortPathName] (nolock)

    Return @rc


    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hmm - well, here's a response

    I notice that you are using:

    Set @rc=Common.dbo.PathExists(@LongPath)

    So you should probably include the code for that SP. Are you makign use of xp_fileexist in it?

    CiaO 4 NoW

  • Uuups, sorry, its another "DOS" hack sproc in our common library system... Here's the code:

    Use Common

    If Object_Id('PathExists') is not Null Drop Function PathExists


    Create Function PathExists


     @Path VarChar(8000)


    Returns Int

    As Begin


          @rc Int,

          @Cmd VarChar(8000)

       -- Pre-format the input path.

       Set @Path=LTrim(RTrim(IsNull(@Path,'')))

       -- Return gracefully if blank path.

       If @Path='' Begin

          Set @rc=0

          Goto Done



          -- Make sure the path is enclosed in double-quotes.

          @Path=Case Left(@Path,1) When '"' Then '' Else '"' End+@Path+

             Case Right(@Path,1)When '"' Then '' Else '"' End,

          -- Build tricky "DOS" command to determine if path exists.

          @Cmd='If Exist '+@Path+' (Exit 1) Else (Exit 0)'


       -- Set the return code to indicate if the path actually exists (0=No, 1=Yes).

     Exec @rc=master.dbo.xp_CmdShell @Cmd,No_Output


       Return @rc


    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

  • An alternaitve for you, using the undocumented xp_FileExist stored procedure:


    set nocount on

    set quoted_identifier off

    create table #direxists

    (FileExists int,

    FileIsDir int,

    ParentDirExists int)

    declare @movepathdata varchar(255)

    set @movepathdata = 'c:\hello.txt'

    insert into #direxists exec master..xp_fileexist @movepathdata

    select * from #direxists

    if not exists(select 'Dir Exists' from #direxists where fileExists = 1 and FileIsDir = 0 and ParentDirExists = 1)

     Print 'File Does Not Exist'


     Print 'File Does Exist'


    Play around with the temp table, you can use this form existance of files and directories ( I use it for confirming existance of directories in an automated restore procedure).


  • Why not spruce it up a bit and post it in the scripts section?

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Ya, I use to use xp_FileExists, but, I figured there's less a chance of the Command Prompt stuff going away than xp_FileExists... but then, who ever would have thought that the 8-track wouldn't last...

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

  • Fair enough. I'm trying to use xp_cmdshell less, since it typically ends up being ugly work arounds.

    You may be right in terms of xp_cmdshell not going - I sure there millions of homegrown dba scripts and processes that would die if they removed it

  • I use to write Extended Stored Procedures to handle the stuff that SQL wasn't "comfortable" with but XSProc are difficult to manage (versioning, interface requirements, environemtal requirements, testing, documentation... ad nauseam ) If I can find a more "natural" way to accomplish what are unnatural acts for SQL, well, then, I tend to gravitate to them...

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

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