xp_cmdshell fails and returns 255

  • Hi!

    I've got a stored proc that calls xp_cmdshell to start OSQL and log a

    database error in a transaction outside the currently executing transaction.

    When run in a COM+ application written in VB.NET, the xp_cmdshell fails and

    gives me a return value of 255 which isn't documented. The COM+ application

    runs under a ordinary NT user account. If I start ISQL/w as the same NT user

    and execute my stored proc, it works like it should, ie xp_cmdshell starts

    OSQL which logs on to SQL Server as 'sa', executes a third procedure

    (CM_Error_LogWrite) which logs an error.

    The string sent to xp_cmdshell looks like this:

    SET @aBuffer = 'osql -U sa -P MyPassword -d ' + DB_NAME() + ' -Q
    "CM_Error_LogWrite '
    + '''' + @source + ''',''' + @error + ''''
    + ',''' + @description + ''',''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@errorDateTime,113)
    + ''''
    + ',''' + @otherInformation + ''','''
    + @errorStack + ''',''' + CAST(@userId AS char(36)) + ''''
    + '"'

    I made the following config changes to get it to work in ISQL/w:

    + the NT user has execute rights on xp_cmdshell

    + the SQL Agent proxy account is set an administrative account

    + the SQL Server process runs with an administrative account

    I've also tried to set the COM+ application to use an administrative

    account, but it still does not work.

    Any ideas?




  • I suggest you begin/commit another transaction for CM_Error_LogWrite or use a second connection altogether. Using OSQL will cause you more problems and introduce more points of failure.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hi and thanks for your answer.

    How would I get a new transaction from within a stored procedure that won't get rolled back together with the original transaction?

    I guess my options are to either start a job which in turn logs the error, or call a COM-component which does the logging.


    Jonas Hilmersson


  • Ummm, forgot about that. Either use a separate connection or check to see if your logic can be changed.

    In some of my apps I do similar where I do multiple updates in a transaction but if an error occurs I still want to update another table with the error code. In this case when an error occurs I rollback the tran, create a new one, bypass any other updates but then update the final table with the error code before committing the tran.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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