XP Remote Desktop to identify other User Sessions

  • As a DBA, I was forbidden to access a SQL Server via XP's "Remote Desktop" - due to the 2 license limitation.  (2 other Users were currently logged in remotely)

    On XP Professional, how do I view other sessions to the SQL Server?

    In W/2000, I use Terminal Services Manager.  Do I still need to use that or does XP Remote Desktop have an equivalent? 

    if I do need to install TS Manager, is that a Windows Component I can add via Add/Remove Pgms?

    thx in advance.

  • Start...Run...TSAdmin.exe

    Connect to the machine by name, and as long as you have priviledges, you can see the sessions, and reset them if required. However, I can't remember whether TSAdmin is installed OOB on XP... Try it.



  • If you don't have tsadmin on your xp machine (like me) you might try using xp_cmdshell in QA to run a command line to check who's on and reset them.  Something like this will give you who is on:

    xp_cmdshell 'query session'

    Windows 2003 commands are here (many of them should work on a Win2k server too):


    I've only used the query session through QA but I've also used reset session at the actual command line.

    Hope that helps...


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