XMLAErrorOLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Invalid column name

  • I recently added two new measures into my cube, the measures were called AssetValueUSD and InvoiceValueUSD, I also added them to my perspective and my partition query. When I then processed the cube I got an error XMLAErrorOLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Invalid column name 'AssetValueUSD'.

    Any idea what I've missed?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  Jim-S.
  • Hello, just wanted to add an update to this in the hope that someone can help.

    Within visual studio, I have a single partition called 'template' which I have updated with my new column, however when I deploy my cube there are a load more partitions on the server (current financial year - month 1, current financial year - month 2 etc.) that do not have the new column. How do I make sure that my changes update all partitions?

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