• Try this:


    Acno VARCHAR(20),

    acdesc VARCHAR(20),

    actype CHAR(1)


    INSERT INTO @t (acno, acdesc, actype)

    SELECT '1122334', 'Tesr acct', 'C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0004455', 'Bank Test Account', 'S'


    '12345' AS Business_ID,





    actype AS ACCOUNT_TYPE

    FROM @t

    FOR XML PATH('Account'),ROOT('Accounts'), TYPE


    FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Business')



















  • Jacob, Sorry for not giving all the details.

    Here it is.

    The business information is in one table and Account info is in second table.

    I need to join these two tables to get the result.

    Business table Structure

    Crate table Business


    Business_ID varchar(50),

    Company Name varchar(50),

    Address_Line1 varchar(50),

    City varchar(50),

    State char(2))

    Let say the data looks like this in this table

    Business_ID Business_name Address City State

    12345 ABC St1 Dallas TX

    12356 HP ST2 Austin TX

    Account Table Structure


    Business_ID varchar(50),

    Account_ID Varchar(50),

    Account_Number varchar(50),

    Description Varchar(50),

    Account_Type char(1)


    Business_ID Account_ID Account_Number Description Account_Type

    12345 111 5678 Corporation C

    12345 111 4567 business Checking C

    12345 111 7655 Basic Savings S

    12356 122 7788 Personal Checking C

    12356 122 8899 Checking C

    My XML should look like this

    <XMl xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">



    <Business_ID> 12345 </Business_ID>

    <Business_Name> ABC </Business_Name>

    <Address1> St1 </Address1>

    <City> Dallas </City>

    <State> TX </State>



    <Account_Number>5678 </Account_Number>

    <Description> Corporation<Description>

    <Account_Type> C</Account_Type>



    <Account_Number> 4567</Account_Number>

    <Description> business Checking<Description>

    <Account_Type> C</Account_Type>



    <Account_Number> 7655</Account_Number>

    <Description>Basic Savings <Description>

    <Account_Type>S </Account_Type>



    <Business_ID> 12356</Business_ID>

    <Business_Name> HP </Business_Name>

    <Address1>ST2 </Address1>

    <City>Austin </City>

    <State> TX</State>




    <Description>Personal Checking <Description>

    <Account_Type>C </Account_Type>



    <Account_Number>8899 </Account_Number>

    <Description>Checking <Description>

    <Account_Type> C</Account_Type>






    Here the complex elements are

    BusinessType, Small_Business and Accounts . I am having difficulties to have these elements in my XML.

    Jacob, This is only sample of my whole XML. I have got a Very Complex XSD with many complex and simple elements. I have Data in 10 tables that i need to pull information from, which means i should use 10 joins. I need to generate an XML from these tables. So i was just trying to see if it is possible in SQL Server.

  • try this

    SELECT (




    select * from account a

    where a.business_id = b.business_id

    for xml path('account'), root('accounts'), type


    from business b

    for xml path(''), root('Small_Business'),TYPE


    FOR XML PATH('Business_Type'), ROOT('XMl')


  • Thanks a lot Jacob, its working..

  • Nice Article. The last two workarounds can be achieved by a statement as follows. No need of workarounds


    Country.CountryName AS [name],


    City.CityName AS [name],

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS [id],

    Customer.CustomerName AS [name],



    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName

    FOR XML AUTO, root('CustomersByRegion')

    Root function gives a way to assign a name for the root element.

  • Hi,

    I am new to XML,

    When i execute the queries ,I replace "data()" with "DATA()",then am getting below error. what is the reason behind this.

    Msg 6850, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column name 'DATA()' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '('(0x0028) is the first character at fault.

    SELECT ItemNumber AS 'DATA()'

    FROM OrderDetails

    FOR XML PATH('')


    abhIShek Online4all


  • The use of PATH is amazing.

    Just as on previous post of this serie, here is the code with comments in spanish.

    PS: the links to the code files are broken, maybe where not corrected as on previous posts

    --usando PATH se pueden crear jerarquías en los nodos XML

    --la creacion de los nodos la controlamos mediante alias en las columnas, en este caso: <item> contendrá ItemNumber y Quantity

    --notar el uso de '/' dentro del nombre de la columna que es el que controla la creación del XML en definitiva

    SELECT OrderNumber AS 'orderNumber',

    ItemNumber AS 'item/itemNumber',

    Qty AS 'item/Quantity'

    FROM OrderDetails FOR XML PATH('orderInfo'), TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('order')

    --a veces simplemente queremos una lista de valores, PATH también sirve para esto, aqui devolvemos la lista de los ItemNumbers de la tabla Order

    SELECT ItemNumber AS 'data()' FROM OrderDetails FOR XML PATH('')

    --la query anterior devuelve la lista usando espacio como separador, pero seguramente una ',' será mejor

    SELECT ',' + ItemNumber AS 'data()' FROM OrderDetails FOR XML PATH('')

    --pero en el ejemplo anterior tenemos una coma al inicio de la cadena, no nos sirve, tenemos que quitarla

    --el comando STUFF nos ayudará

    --de hecho esta manera de concatenar valores resulta mucho más rápida que el método normal usando querys, ver:


    SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + ItemNumber AS 'data()' FROM OrderDetails FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    --como hemos visto PATH provee una buena herramienta para crar los XML manipulando los alias de las columnas

    --la mayor parte de las veces PATH será suficiente pero a veces necesitarmos EXPLICIT que nos dará aún más control, pero su uso es mas complicado

    --veamos como podemos usar diferentes modos del comando XML usando AUTO,RAW y PATH para crear un fichero XML como el siguiente



    <country name="USA" currency="US Dollars">

    <city name="NY">

    <customer id="MK" name="John Mark" phone="111-111-1111"/>

    <customer id="WS" name="Will Smith" phone="222-222-2222"/>


    <city name="NJ">

    <customer id="EN" name="Elizabeth Lincoln" phone="333-333-3333"/>



    <country name="England" currency="Pound Sterling">

    <city name="London">

    <customer id="TH" name="Thomas Hardy" phone="444-444-4444"/>



    <country name="India" currency="Rupees">

    <city name="New Delhi">

    <customer id="JS" name="Jacob Sebastian" phone="555-555-5555"/>





    CREATE TABLE Countries (CountryID INT, CountryName VARCHAR(20), Currency VARCHAR(20))

    CREATE TABLE Cities (CityID INT, CityName VARCHAR(20), CountryID INT)

    CREATE TABLE Customers (CustomerNumber VARCHAR(2), CustomerName VARCHAR(40), Phone VARCHAR(20), CityID INT)

    INSERT INTO Countries(CountryID, CountryName, Currency)

    SELECT 1 AS CountryID, 'USA' AS CountryName, 'US Dollars' as Currency UNION

    SELECT 2, 'England', 'Pound Sterling' UNION

    SELECT 3, 'India', 'Rupee'

    INSERT INTO Cities(CityID, CityName, CountryID)

    SELECT 1 AS CityID, 'NY' AS CityName, 1 AS CountryID UNION

    SELECT 2, 'NJ', 1 UNION

    SELECT 3, 'London', 2 UNION

    SELECT 4, 'New Delhi', 3

    INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerNumber, CustomerName, Phone, CityID)

    SELECT 'MK' AS CustomerNumber, 'John Mark' AS CustomerName, '111-111-1111' AS Phone, 1 AS CityID UNION

    SELECT 'WS', 'Will Smith', '222-222-2222', 1 UNION

    SELECT 'EN', 'Elizabeth Lincoln', '333-333-3333', 2 UNION

    SELECT 'TH', 'Thomas Hardy', '444-444-4444', 3 UNION

    SELECT 'JS', 'Jacob Sebastian', '555-555-5555', 4

    SELECT * FROM Countries

    SELECT * FROM Cities

    SELECT * FROM Customers

    --intentemos usando PATH a ver si podemos generar el mismo XML

    SELECT Country.CountryName AS 'country/name',

    Country.Currency AS 'country/currency',

    City.CityName AS 'country/city/name',

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS 'country/city/customer/id',

    Customer.CustomerName AS 'country/city/customer/name',

    Customer.Phone AS 'country/city/customer/phone'


    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName


    --si miramos el resultado vemos que no es correcto, los valores los queremos tener como atributos, no como nodos en el XML

    --modifiequemos el PATH y vamos a añadir un ROOT para nombrar la raíz del XML

    SELECT Country.CountryName AS 'country/@name',

    Country.Currency AS 'country/@currency',

    City.CityName AS 'country/city/@name',

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS 'country/city/customer/@id',

    Customer.CustomerName AS 'country/city/customer/@name',

    Customer.Phone AS 'country/city/customer/@phone'


    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName

    FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('CustomersByRegion')

    --ya casi tenemos lo que queremos, pero si miramos el resultado vemos que no tenemos los customer agrupados por país

    --usemos ahora el modificador AUTO

    SELECT Country.CountryName AS [name],


    City.CityName AS [name],

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS [id],

    Customer.CustomerName AS [name],



    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName


    --casi lo tenemos, pero nos falta el elemento ROOT

    --con AUTO no hay manera de hacerlo, veamos como mediante un método alternativo

    SELECT CAST ('<CustomersByRegion>' + (SELECT

    Country.CountryName AS [name],


    City.CityName AS [name1],

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS [id],

    Customer.CustomerName AS [name2],



    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName

    FOR XML AUTO) + '</CustomersByRegion>' AS XML)

    --ya lo tenemos, pero veamos como hacerlo mediante el modificador RAW

    --RAW no tiene manera de generar la jerarquía de los nodos XML pero combinandolo con AUTO si podemos hacerlo


    Country.CountryName AS [name],


    City.CityName AS [name],

    Customer.CustomerNumber AS [id],

    Customer.CustomerName AS [name],



    Customers Customer

    INNER JOIN Cities City ON (City.CityID = Customer.CityID)

    INNER JOIN Countries Country ON (Country.CountryID = City.CountryID)

    ORDER BY CountryName, CityName


    FOR XML RAW('CustomersByRegion')

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