XML Workshop 25 - Inserting elements and attributes to an XML document

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item XML Workshop 25 - Inserting elements and attributes to an XML document


  • Another great instalment.

    One thing for the section on inserting the contents of an XML variable when using 2005: there is a good workaround by Denis Ruckebusch here.

  • Nice article. Thanks

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Wow! Excellent stuff, Jacob.

  • Thank you Paul, Jason and Brad. I am glad to know that you liked it.


  • Hello jacob

    The question is this:

    I need to add a progressive for each element of an XML document. I read your two interesting articles "XML Workshop 25" and "XML Workshop XVII - Writing a LOOP to process XML elements in TSQL" and merged the two.

    The problem is this:

    Until I have a few XML elements from loop (say up to 10) all right, but increasing the processing is very slow so that I stop.

    xml docoment:












    many other XML elements and subelements XML







    DECLARE @max-2 INT, @i INT, @xml XML

    SELECT @xml=



    , SINGLE_BLOB) as x)


    @max-2 = @xml.query('<e>

    { count(/flsProSoc/Accesso) }


    SET @i = 1

    WHILE @i <= @max-2 BEGIN

    SET @xml.modify('

    insert element MyId {sql:variable("@i")}

    as first

    into (flsProSoc/Accesso[position()=sql:variable("@i")])[1]


    SET @i = @i + 1


    I thank you in advance for your interest

  • I think the performance is bad here for two reasons: loops and UNTYPED XML. In most cases, loops give bad performance. Since the XML document being processed is not TYPED XML, the processing overhead will be comparatively more.


  • Hi Jacob

    Typed XML want to XSD schema associated, right?

    I try to see if it improves performance.

    Where do I specify the XSD file?

    There is another solution to my problem always returns within TSQL?

    Thanks again

  • In SQL Server, you cannot specify XSD file to create a TYPED XML document, instead you need to create an XML SCHEMA Collection and then associate an XML document with a schema collection.

    The following articles might help you to get started with XML Schema Collections:




  • Excellent article. I've been wondering on what is the best approach for updating an XML field data given another XML field with the same schema.


  • Hi,

    The last example in the article is not working, gives an error:

    XQuery: SQL type 'xml' is not supported in XQuery.

    THe example is:


    SELECT @x = '


    <Employee Team="SQL Server">Jacob</Employee>


    DECLARE @emp XML

    SELECT @emp = '<Employee Team="SQL Server">Steve</Employee>'

    SET @x.modify('

    insert sql:variable("@emp")

    into (Employees)[1]


    SELECT @x



    <Employee Team="SQL Server">Jacob</Employee>

    <Employee Team="SQL Server">Steve</Employee>



    PS IRRELEVANT. Works in 2008 and needs dynamic sql in 2005

  • The last example clearly mentions that it will work only on SQL Server 2008 and above. Are you running the example on SQL Server 2005?


  • Yes, I'm sorry. Just got it and didn't had time to reply.

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    I'll try to update my first comment or remove it

  • I have one XML


    <Student>Jhon </Student>

    <Student> Luka </Student>




    Is it possible to add root node called Students for Student section and Posts for Post, as given below?



    <Student>Jhon </Student>

    <Student> Luka </Student>







  • This can be achieved by a FLWOR operation.

    DECLARE @x XML = '


    <Student>Jhon </Student>

    <Student> Luka </Student>




    SELECT @x.query ('

    for $i in (Root)

    let $s := $i/Student

    let $p := $i/Post



    <Students> {$s} </Students>








    <Student>Jhon </Student>

    <Student> Luka </Student>








    This is one of those scenarios where the FLWOR operation is quite handy. I just added this example to the XQuery Labs


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