XML Query Question

  • What I need to do is to pull back the AddressLine 1 and 2 but they both need to go in to nodes called AddressLine. Below is the query, it has all my joins but this is just one snipet of the code.


    DECLARE @cruisebookrecno INT

    , @last_update_date DATETIME

    SET @cruisebookrecno = 1439075 -- 1425311

    SET @last_update_date = '01/01/1900'


    (SELECT n.address1 "Address/AddressLine"

    , n.address2 "Address/AddressLine"

    FROM customer..cruise_bookings cb

    INNER JOIN customer..cruise_passengers cp ON cp.cruisebookrecno = cb.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..names n ON cp.namerecno = n.recno

    WHERE cb.recno = @cruisebookrecno

    AND cp.passengernumber = 1

    FOR XML PATH (''), TYPE) "CustomerForBooking/DirectCustomer/Customer/AddressInfo"

    FROM customer..cruise_bookings cb

    INNER JOIN content..destinations_text dt ON cb.destinationrecno = dt.destinationrecno AND dt.languagerecno = 1

    INNER JOIN customer..users u ON cb.userrecno = u.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..offices o ON u.officerecno = o.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..names n ON cb.namerecno = n.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..name_titles nt ON n.title = nt.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..customers c ON cb.customerrecno = c.recno

    INNER JOIN CONTENT..gds gds ON cb.gdsrecno = gds.recno

    INNER JOIN customer..cruise_passengers cp ON cb.recno = cp.cruisebookrecno

    INNER JOIN CONTENT..categories_text cat ON cb.categoryrecno = cat.categoryrecno AND cat.languagerecno = 1

    INNER JOIN content..ports_of_call poc ON cb.arrivalportrecno = poc.recno

    INNER JOIN content..countries_text ct ON poc.countryrecno = ct.countryrecno

    INNER JOIN content..countries_text ct2 ON n.countryrecno = ct2.countryrecno

    INNER JOIN content..ships_text ship ON cb.shiprecno = ship.shiprecno




    MIN(cbth.approveddate) min_approveddate

    FROM customer..cruise_booking_transaction_history cbth

    WHERE cbth.approveddate IS NOT NULL




    MIN(cbth.approveddate) > @last_update_date) trans

    ON cb.recno = trans.cruisebookrecno

    INNER JOIN content..cobrand_partners cbp ON cb.cobrandrecno = cbp.recno

    LEFT JOIN reports..dolphin_membertype_xref_webuser dmxw ON dmxw.cobrandrecno = cbp.recno

    LEFT JOIN reports..dolphin_membertype_xref_webuser dmxn ON dmxn.cobrandrecno = cbp.recno

    LEFT JOIN reports..membermaint_members rmm ON c.customerid = rmm.member_id

    INNER JOIN content..cruise_lines_text clt ON cb.cruiselinerecno = clt.cruiselinerecno AND clt.languagerecno = 1

    INNER JOIN content..cruise_lines_dolphin_xref cldx ON cb.cruiselinerecno = cldx.cruise_line_recno AND cldx.languagerecno = 1

    LEFT JOIN content..ports_of_call_dolphin pcd ON cb.departureportrecno = pcd.portofcallrecno OR cb.arrivalportrecno = pcd.portofcallrecno

    WHERE dt.languagerecno = 1

    AND cb.recno = @cruisebookrecno

    AND cp.passengernumber = 1

    --AND cb.editeddate > (SELECT MAX(last_date_updated) FROM reports..XML_Export) -- (select GETDATE()-1)

    FOR XML PATH ('TravelFolder')


    Here is the results in XML







    <AddressLine>One Park TerraceTillington</AddressLine>







    Here is what I am looking for:








    <AddressLine>One Park Terrace</AddressLine>








  • Would this work:

    select isnull(addressline1, '') + isnull(addressline2,'') "Address/AddressLine"....[rest of sql]

  • Sorry -- didnt read your post close enough. My suggestion is goingto give u what u are already getting... Ill take a closer look, send a solutionif i have one

  • Try changing


    (SELECT n.address1 "Address/AddressLine"

    , n.address2 "Address/AddressLine"

    FROM customer..cruise_bookings cb




    (SELECT Address FROM (SELECT n.address1 UNION ALL n.address2) d(Address) FOR XML PATH('AddressLine'),TYPE)

    FROM customer..cruise_bookings cb


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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