XML - Invalid Character Cleanup

  • Hi guys!

    I am pulling a load of articles from my database into an RSS feed using the 'XML Path' method. There's loads of info so I'm basically going to schedule a new xml file 'build' each day using SQL.

    Once I have my constructed XML data, I'm putting it in a table in an 'xml' field then I can call it from the front end via a webpage.

    My problem is, I keep getting invalid characters in the main bulk of my 'description' text and I was wondering if there is any way to 'strip' out non-valid chars???


  • What are you using to build the XML? Assuming you're using FOR XML - are you also using the TYPE directive?


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • Hi,

    Yes I'm using FOR XML and TYPE. I've actually solved this now. I wrote a function to replace some known problem characters and i just call that on each field that caused an issue. Also, I now store the xml in a table and apply the main rss channel tags over in the site after it's retreived. The other problem I noticed was the RSS encoding I was using. I changed it to use: encoding="ISO-8859-1" and all was fine.

    The 'fn_RemoveInvalidXML' below simply takes the field and replaces a list of chars.

    Here's the code - don't know if it could help anyone in the future:

    declare @xmlTxt xml

    set @xmlTxt = (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

    dbo.fn_RemoveInvalidXML(item.txt_field) as title,

    Left(dbo.fn_RemoveInvalidXML(item.txt_field2),250) as description,

    LEFT(DATENAME(dw, dateAdd(day, 30, item.date)),3) + ', ' +

    STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar, dateAdd(day, 30, item.date),113),21,4,' GMT') as expiration_date,

    LEFT(DATENAME(dw, item.date),3) + ', ' +

    STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar, item.date,113),21,4,' GMT') as publish_date

    FROM my_table as item

    FOR XML PATH('item'), TYPE)

    insert into d_xmlTable(xml_feed)


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