XML format output

  • Hi all,

    I need help,

    I have un xml file like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


    <topMenu text="Button1">

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B1I1" />

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B1I2" />

    <menuItem text="B1I3">

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B1I3I1" />

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B1I3I2" />



    <topMenu text="Button2">

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B2I1" />

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B2I2" />

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B2I3" />

    <menuItem text="B2I4">

    <menuItem text="B2I4I1">

    <menuItem href="template.aspx" text="B2I4I1I1I1" />





    It's a multi-level menu, i want to get it from my database. i don't know How?

    If i need one table or many?

    Please help


  • Try this.

    create table Menu (ParentID int, ID int, menuText varchar(100) , href varchar(100))

    insert into Menu values (null, 1, 'Button1', null)

    insert into Menu values (null, 2, 'Button2', null)

    insert into Menu values (1, 3, 'Sub1', 'index.html')

    insert into Menu values (1, 4, 'Sub2', 'index.html')

    insert into Menu values (2, 5, 'Suba', 'index.html')

    insert into Menu values (2, 6, 'Subb', 'index.html')

    select menuText [@text],

    (select href as [@href], menuText as [@text]

    from Menu ms where ms.ParentID = mt.ID

    for xml path ('menuItem'), Type


    from Menu mt

    where ParentID is null

    for xml path ('topMenu'), root ('rootMenu')

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Are you using the same Type mentioned here: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1016736-21-1.aspx


  • Is it the same "Type" that is mentioned in the other post? Yes.

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

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