XML File to SQL Server2005

  • Hi all,

    I need to convert an XML file to SQL Server2005 tables.

    I was doing this from Access 2007 from External Data -> XML File.

    Note: By Access database conversion I got two tables from this XML file.

    I need to do the same thing in sql server 2005 with this XML file.


  • You might require an XSD, either as a separate file or embedded into the XML document. Could you post a sample XML document?


  • Sorry for being late,

    I Attached a txt file which contains the contents of my .xml file (because i couldnt upload an xml file here).

    if i import this file to MS Access it gives me 2 tables(solution and x_solution)

  • This will convert your file into result sets that you could load into a database. What I would do is to convert it to a stored procedure.

    I added the encoding when I tried to load the file in SSIS. I couldn't load it with SSIS since there were two element lists under the node (solution, x_solution).

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Dear Russel Loski,

    Thank you very very much for your effort and your work.

    but because i found it beter for me to run this issue from my application, i.e my code,

    I found this idea it solved my problem

    DataSet reportData = new DataSet();

    reportData.ReadXml("my File Path");

    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.testConnectionString);

    SqlBulkCopy sbc = new SqlBulkCopy(connection);

    sbc.DestinationTableName = tblName;

    if your DB col names donโ€™t match your XML element names 100%

    then relate the source XML elements (1st param) with the destination DB cols

    sbc.ColumnMappings.Add("lemmaID", "lemma_ID");

    sbc.ColumnMappings.Add("voc", "voc_");

    sbc.ColumnMappings.Add("pos", "pos_");

    sbc.ColumnMappings.Add("gloss", "gloss_");


    //table 3 is the required table in this dataset



    I converted the xml to dataset then write the chosen dataset table to the database.

    Thank you Russel again

  • Here's a challenge for you. We receive an XML file from another organization, sample here:




    xs:schemaLocation="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/xmldata/1/ xmldata.xsd"




    <item name="ENTITY_NAM" type="xs:string" length="122"/>

    <item name="TRADE_NAM" type="xs:string" length="122"/>

    <item name="prem_num_and_strt" type="xs:string" length="92"/>

    <item name="F1_1019_PREM_BLDG" type="xs:string" length="26"/>




    <value>" INC.</value>


    <value>61 STREET</value>



    <value>RESTAURANT CORP</value>

    <value xs:nil="true" />

    <value>94 BOULEVARD</value>




    In reality, there are over 23,000 records, and each row has 23 fields, but you can get the picture from the above. Anyway, given that there isn't a properly coded XSD, and each field is defined as "value", how can I get this into a SQL Server? When I use VS to create an XSD, it can't create a properly coded one based on this XML file.

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