XML file import into a SQL table

  • Hi!  Does anybody know what the most efficient way of copying an XML file format into a SQL table?  Your wisdom is much appreciated...

    - Dave

  • Check out OPENXML.  http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/xmlsql/ac_openxml_1cx8.asp

    Allot depends on how you want to map the elements of your XML to relational data base tables.

    Peter Evanns (__PETER Peter_)


  • I have used the xmlbulkload function with a VB script to import xml to SQL. I think I saw a KB article at Microsoft about it. Look there.

  • Thanks!  I've actually been researching this.  I'm assuming I need VB 6 to run this script, right?

  • You don't need VB6 to run VBS scripts. Windows has the ability to run VBS scripts without needing anything else.


  • As Guy say, you don't need VB on the computer. Just make an *.vbs file and windows execute it. Exampel:

    Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad")

    objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Servername;database=test;Integrated Security=sspi"

    objBL.ErrorLogFile = "e:\temp\error.log"

    objBL.Execute "e:\temp\schema.xml", "e:\temp\test.xml"

    Set objBL = Nothing

    The schema file must map your collumns i the table.

    Best luck! /Joel


  • Here is a sample, using the input as a text object.



    --first , create the stored procedure.

    if exists (select * from sysobjects

     where id = object_id('dbo.usp_insert_pubs_authors') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)

     drop procedure dbo.usp_insert_pubs_authors


    CREATE  PROCEDURE usp_insert_pubs_authors (

     @xml_doc TEXT )



    DECLARE @hdoc INT -- handle to XML doc



    --Create an internal representation of the XML document.   

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @XML_Doc   

    -- build a table (variable table) to store the xml-based result set

    DECLARE @storesinsert TABLE ( 

     stor_id varchar(16) ,

     stor_name varchar(16) ,

     stor_address varchar(16) ,

     city varchar(16) ,

     state varchar(16) ,

     zip varchar(16)





    INSERT @storesinsert


     stor_id ,

     stor_name ,

     stor_address ,

     city ,

     state ,




     -- use the correct XPath .. the second arg ("2" here) distinquishes

     -- between textnode or an attribute, most times with

     --.NET typed datasets, its a "2"

     OPENXML (@hdoc, '/StoresDS/store', 2) WITH (     

     stor_id varchar(16) ,

     stor_name varchar(16) ,

     stor_address varchar(16) ,

     city varchar(16) ,

     state varchar(16) ,

     zip varchar(16)

    -- temp select just to show all the data in the @variabletable

    select * from @storesinsert


    --insert into the stores table ( a "real" table) .. (from) the @variabletable (which now contains all the dataset data)

    Insert into stores


     stor_id ,

     stor_name ,

     stor_address ,

     city ,

     state ,




     stor_id ,

     stor_name ,

     stor_address ,

     city ,

     state ,


    FROM @storesinsert

    IF @@ERROR <> 0   


        RAISERROR('error updating database', 16, 1) 

      ROLLBACK Transaction








    --Now run the code using an example



    --Here is the call.  The input for the t-sql proc is

    --text, but tsql doesn't allow localized text parameters

    --so varchar is used here (for @xml_doc_temp).

    --The xml string (below) follows what would be a typed dataset xml

    --While here, it is manually created, the procedure would

    --probably be called using the myTypeDataset.getXML() as the input parameter

    --Naturally,the xml can contain 0, 1 or N number of "stores" for

    --insertion (2 stores are used here)

    declare @xml_doc_temp varchar(8000)

    select @xml_doc_temp =




      <stor_id>' + LEFT(NEWID(), 4) + '</stor_id>

      <stor_name>' + LEFT(NEWID(), 16) + '</stor_name>     

      <stor_address>456 Hickory</stor_address>   






      <stor_id>' + LEFT(NEWID(), 4) + '</stor_id>

      <stor_name>' + LEFT(NEWID(), 16) + '</stor_name>     

      <stor_address>456 Main</stor_address>   







    print @xml_doc_temp

    EXEC usp_insert_pubs_authors @xml_doc_temp


    select * from stores order by stor_name





    Maybe that will get you started. 

  • The schema file, is this a style sheet, XSD, XSL, etc?

    How do you map the columns?  Have you got an example of what syntax is stored in there?

  • Something like this i think. Tablename is test with columns name, title and date:

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    <Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"


            xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" >

       <ElementType name="name" dt:type="string" />

       <ElementType name="title" dt:type="string" />

       <ElementType name="date" dt:type="string" />

       <ElementType name="ROOT" sql:is-constant="1">

          <element type="test" />


       <ElementType name="test"  sql:relation="test">

          <element type="name"  sql:field="name" />

          <element type="title" sql:field="title" />

          <element type="date" sql:field="date" />



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