XML data load to sqlserver.

  • I have an XML which Iam trying load with the following SQL code. But Iam getting NULL values when I use sequence in Addressline column..

    what am I missing..? Please help.



    <AttentionOfName />

    <AddressLine sequence="1">4455 sstreet </AddressLine>

    <CityName>Any Town</CityName>




    Select column3.value('AddressLine[1]/@sequence[1]','nvarchar(50)') = '1' ) Address1

    from ( select convert(XML,CustomerBOD) as CustBOD

    from [dbo].[Customer] ) as Cust

    outer apply CustBOD.nodes('/Location/Address/AddressLine') as TAB3(column3)

  • You haven't explained your goal here or the results you want, however, is this not what you are after?

    DECLARE @XML xml = '
    <AttentionOfName />
    <AddressLine sequence="1">4455 sstreet </AddressLine>
    <CityName>Any Town</CityName>

    SELECT V.X.value('(Location/Address/AddressLine/text())[1]','varchar(800)') AS AddressLine


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • The fact that AddressLine has a sequence attribute leads me to believe that multiple address lines are possible.

    So I added a sequence="2" node to the XML, before sequence="1".  So you can't just make the assumption that AddressLine[1] is the first line.

    <AddressLine sequence="2">Suite 500</AddressLine>

    <AddressLine sequence="1">4455 sstreet </AddressLine>

    If you only want <AddressLine sequence="1"> nodes, you can put that in your nodes() path.

    SELECT  Address1 = TAB3.column3.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
    FROM @CustBOD.nodes('/Location/Address/AddressLine[@sequence="1"]') AS TAB3(column3)

    If you want to pull out both address lines, use the sequence attribute in the value() path.

    SELECT  Address1 = TAB3.column3.value('(AddressLine[@sequence="1"]/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)'),
    Address2 = TAB3.column3.value('(AddressLine[@sequence="2"]/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
    FROM @CustBOD.nodes('/Location/Address') AS TAB3(column3)

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