XML Child - Parent Relationship

  • I have a table with 2 field

    ID INT

    ParentId INT

    Records like1, NULL



    so basically "1" do not have a parent

    2 is child of 1

    and 3 is child of 2

    I want to show the output as


    BaseUser Id="3" >


    BaseUser Id="2" >


    BaseUser Id="1" />








    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Hi Amit,

    I'm a bit confused.

    If 1 doesn't have a parent, why does it have a parent in the XML you've written? Did you mean the XML to be?...

    <BaseUser Id="1">

      <BaseUser Id="2">

        <BaseUser Id="3"/>



    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • yes you are correct. I was not able to get format the XML but the output remain the same


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • I was more meaning that you had the 1, 2 and 3 in the wrong order (or so it seemed), rather than the output, but no matter.

    You basically need to get a data set like this and do a FOR XML EXPLICIT on it.

    Tag         Parent      BaseUser!1!Id BaseUser!2!Id BaseUser!3!Id

    ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------

    1           NULL        1             NULL          NULL        

    2           1           1             2             NULL        

    3           2           1             2             3           

    Don't be confused by the 1s, 2s and 3s! The ones in red above are your data, the other ones are to help structure the XML!

    Unfortunately, getting to that is not that 'nice' (particularly if we need to cope with more complicated data sets - and I'm guessing you do!).

    I've just built this, and I think it does the trick for up to 9 levels deep. There are probably several articles on this out there on the web - though I've not looked, so there may be better ways than this.

    Good luck!

    --This SQL Script is safe to run

    --Create the data

    DECLARE @t TABLE (Id INT, ParentId INT)


          SELECT 1, NULL




    --Create a table to hold the xml data

    DECLARE @tXml TABLE (Tag INT, Parent INT, Level1 INT, Level2 INT, Level3 INT, Level4 INT, Level5 INT, Level6 INT, Level7 INT, Level8 INT, Level9 INT)

    --Insert the top level

    INSERT INTO @tXml (Tag, Level1)

    SELECT 1, Id FROM @t t1 WHERE t1.ParentId IS NULL

    --Insert levels 2 - 9 (stop if any level is empty)


    SET @i = 2

    WHILE @i <= 9


        INSERT INTO @tXml




            CASE WHEN @i = 1 THEN Id ELSE Level1 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 2 THEN Id ELSE Level2 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 3 THEN Id ELSE Level3 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 4 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 5 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 6 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 7 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 8 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END,

            CASE WHEN @i = 9 THEN Id ELSE Level4 END


            @tXml x

            INNER JOIN @t t1 ON t1.ParentId = CASE @i WHEN 1 THEN NULL

                                                      WHEN 2 THEN Level1

                                                      WHEN 3 THEN Level2

                                                      WHEN 4 THEN Level3

                                                      WHEN 5 THEN Level4

                                                      WHEN 6 THEN Level5

                                                      WHEN 7 THEN Level6

                                                      WHEN 8 THEN Level7

                                                      WHEN 9 THEN Level8


        IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BREAK

        SET @i = @i + 1



    --Select the results as XML (note that the order by is important to get the right 'tree')




        Level1 AS [BaseUser!1!Id],

        Level2 AS [BaseUser!2!Id],

        Level3 AS [BaseUser!3!Id],

        Level4 AS [BaseUser!4!Id],

        Level5 AS [BaseUser!5!Id],

        Level6 AS [BaseUser!6!Id],

        Level7 AS [BaseUser!7!Id],

        Level8 AS [BaseUser!8!Id],

        Level9 AS [BaseUser!9!Id]

    FROM @tXml

    ORDER BY Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5, Level6, Level7, Level8, Level9


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Thanks Ryan

    Yes I did look into the Explicit option but did not code all the way as it was getting complicated and even I cannot restrict the level to 9. (I am sure we will not go till level 9 but still wanted to be flexible. I am looking into the following approach.

    1.  Creating Dynamic Query and using XML Auto. This is working and I am getting the output

    2. Using XML Data Type and appending the child node (I am having some syntax problem, check my next thread)

    Once again thanks for writing the code.




    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

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