XLS files created by SSIS are too big

  • Hi there,

    There is a little something I have noticed a while ago and that I haven't figured out how to avoid... When creating and populating an excel file in SSIS the file being recorded is always roughly twice the size of an equivalent file if created & saved from Excel.

    So each time my package runs I manually open the output file and click save (without changing anything else...). Doing this manual save reduces by half the file size...

    Do I need to update my JET driver or something?

    You should be able to reproduce this easily.

  • Try saving manually with some of the compatibility options. I think the Jet driver saves in a compatibility mode and it may be different than your default save options.

  • This happens if you reuse the same sheets/file over and over again. I'm not sure the exact reason why, but I know each Excel cell that has been modified (i.e. had data entered into it) takes up addition space - regardless of if there is currently data in there now. What probably happened is that you had a large data set, say 50000 rows, but you average around 10,000 row. Excel still saves it like there is 50000 rows of data.

    That's a rough explaination, but I know if you delete all empty rows (not with the delete key, but actually select the cells/rows, right click and select delete), the problem goes away (temporarily).

  • about deleting empty empty rows/cells -> I don't even have to delete anything, i just open the file and re-save it from Excel, automatically the file size goes down.

    compatibility options -> I will look into this and post later if I find a solution

  • mmm... How to change the compatibility options that JET uses?

  • I don't think you can, but you may want to look into the available options on the connection string. Create a .udl file, open it, and look at the connection string options for the Jet/Excel connection.

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