wrong results in sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats (execution_count) under high load

  • Hello all.

    I was trying to use the DMV noticed to track the frequency of SPs running on SQL Server 2008 R2

    At the initial stage, I've go the results from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats into temp table as shown below:



    ,DB_NAME (qs.database_id) DBName

    ,p.Name as objName

    ,qs.execution_count execution_count

    into sp_stats

    FROM sys.procedures AS p WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats AS qs WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.[object_id] = qs.[object_id]

    where qs.database_id=DB_ID()

    and p.name not like 'MSmerge%'

    and p.name not like 'sp[_]%'

    A the same time I've started a trace to catch all RPC:Complete events

    after approximately 20 minutes I've gotten anothe snapshot using the query above into the sp_stats_after_20m table

    comparing the results, I've found that in the new snapshot exist records that are not in the first one

    for example, in the new snapshot (sp_stats_after_20m) the record is appeared for some SP, say SP1 with execution_count=2431, but the trace said, that there was only 1 run for that 20 minutes

    reexamining the view shown the same.

    So, "An initial query of sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats might produce inaccurate results if there is a workload currently executing on the server. More accurate results may be determined by rerunning the query." as the BOL said is incorrect

    I was trying to rerun the query, but the execution_count was the same

    the execution_count and other statistics for SP1 when server is under high load is exluded from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats, and at the time when it runs again, appeared in sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats with old results in execution_count, but diffent plan_handle, so it is difficult to analyze, on which execution plan that sp belongs. The situation goes more complicated when there are several plans for the same SP. Some rarely used plans exluded from the cache when high load, and when these plans are in use again, thay have the old execution_counts, but different plan_handle

  • Exactly how are you comparing the before and after results (the query used)?

    For the trace, are you sure there are no filters configured? Exactly how are you querying the trace results to determine execution count there?


    EDIT: Fixed a typo

  • the query to compare results is:

    select *,a.execution_count-isnull(case when a.execution_count>=b.execution_count then b.execution_count else 0 end,0) delta

    from sp_stats_after_20m a full join sp_stats b on a.objName=b.objName and a.plan_handle=b.plan_handle

    where a.objName is null or b.objName is null

    and there are results with SP1 and execution_count = 2431, while in the trace is only 1 run

    actually the sp name was something like p_blah_blahblah (not SP1)

    the trace definition is:

    -- Create a Queue

    declare @rc int

    declare @TraceID int

    declare @maxfilesize bigint

    set @maxfilesize = 15

    declare @filecount int=6

    declare @traceFile nvarchar(500)= --'C:\Data\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\trace\SPExecLog'


    exec @rc = sp_trace_create @TraceID output, 2, @traceFile,

    @maxfilesize, NULL ,@filecount

    if (@rc != 0) goto error

    -- Client side File and Table cannot be scripted

    -- Set the events

    declare @on bit

    set @on = 1

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 15, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 34, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 3, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 12, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 22, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 43, 62, @on

    -- Set the Filters

    declare @intfilter int

    declare @bigintfilter bigint

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 34, 0, 6, N'atisp%'

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 34, 1, 6, N'p[_]%'

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 34, 0, 1, NULL

    -- Set the trace status to start

    exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1

    -- display trace id for future references

    select TraceID=@TraceID

    goto finish


    select ErrorCode=@rc



    so the filter is only for SP names ... no other filters

    All that have place only when the server is under high pressure. when the proc cache is full, and server's engine decides to eliminate some rarely used SP stats from the cache

    Right now, for example, I can't reproduce the issue, only on rush hours. When there are ~4K queries per second ... Now there are ~1K. So the issue is not reproduced

  • Hello all again!

    Is it glitch of MS I've posted above?

    Anyway, it seems I've reached my goal.


    st.dbid db_id


    ,isNull(OBJECT_NAME(st.objectID,st.dbid),'') as objName

    ,DB_Name(st.dbid) DBName

    ,max(execution_count) execution_count

    fromsys.dm_exec_query_stats qs

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) as st

    where total_logical_reads >0

    and isNull(OBJECT_NAME(st.objectID,st.dbid),'') not like 'MSmerge%'

    and isNull(OBJECT_NAME(st.objectID,st.dbid),'') not like 'sp[_]%'

    and DB_Name(st.dbid) is not null

    group by st.objectID, st.dbid

    investigating the DMV sys.dm_exec_query_stats I've found that for one SP it has number of records. Each record refers to the specific code in SP that has separate execution plan. in the query above I get MAX execution_count from the DMV grouping by SP name (and DB of course). In this case, when some of plan is removed from the cache, the other plans (in most cases) still exist there. I gather the results from the query every 3 minutes. And store them into staging table. I populate the table by next algorothm: if

    there no records for specific SP, I insert it with execution_count value and delta=0 (the delta in this cas is to populate number of executions between measurements), otherwise I update delta by statement: delta =source.execution_count-case when source.execution_count>=target.execution_count then target.execution_count else 0 end

    The sample code is below:

    insert into #statdata(






    ) <select * from prev query>

    update target set

    delta =source.execution_count-case when source.execution_count>=target.execution_count then target.execution_count else 0 end




    from SL.cur_SP_Stats as target

    join #statdata as source

    on (target.id_db = source.id_db and target.objectID=source.objectID and target.idServer=@idServer)

    insert SL.cur_SP_Stats

    select *,0,@idServer,GETDATE(),null from #statdata a

    where not exists(select 1 from SL.cur_SP_Stats b (nolock) where a.DBName=b.DBName and a.objName=b.objName and b.idServer=@idServer)

    the @idServer is used b/c I have to monitor several servers

    the table SL.cur_SP_Stats:

    CREATE TABLE [SL].[cur_SP_Stats](

    [id_db] [int] NULL,

    [objectID] [int] NULL,

    [objName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [DBName] [nvarchar](100) NULL,

    [execution_count] [bigint] NULL,

    [delta] [int] NOT NULL,

    [idServer] [int] NULL,

    [dtLastUpdate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [dtPrevUpdate] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER TABLE [SL].[cur_SP_Stats] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [idServer]


    ALTER TABLE [SL].[cur_SP_Stats] ADD DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [dtLastUpdate]


    ALTER TABLE [SL].[cur_SP_Stats] ADD DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [dtPrevUpdate]


    The next step I've done - the storing of the intermediate results into the log table (to analyze the trends and etc)

    the log table is:

    CREATE TABLE [SL].[SP_exec_Stats](

    [dtExecDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [prcName] [sysname] NOT NULL,

    [idServer] [int] NOT NULL,

    [db] [sysname] NOT NULL,

    [delta] [bigint] NOT NULL,



    [dtExecDate] ASC,

    [prcName] ASC,

    [idServer] ASC,

    [db] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    the code that populates the log is:

    CREATE TRIGGER [SL].[tr_cur_SP_stats_ins_upd]

    ON [SL].[cur_SP_Stats]




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    ;merge SL.SP_exec_Stats t

    using inserted s

    on t.dtExecDate=cast(CONVERT(char(8),s.dtLastUpdate,112)+' '+CONVERT(char(2),s.dtLastUpdate,114)+':00:00' as datetime)

    and t.prcName=s.objName

    and t.idServer=s.idServer

    and t.db=s.DBName

    when matched

    then update

    set delta=t.delta+s.delta

    when not matched by target

    then insert

    values(cast(CONVERT(char(8),s.dtLastUpdate,112)+' '+CONVERT(char(2),s.dtLastUpdate,114)+':00:00' as datetime),s.objName,s.idServer,s.DBName,s.delta);


    to make the analyze more easy I am grouping the executions by 1 hour

    Hope it would help others to reach the same goal

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