Writing Exception Messages to File Log from Transform Data Task ActiveX

  • I am a newbie to DTS and have been using the package designer to create an ETL process.  In the Transform Data Task I have usually needed an ActiveX script for each mapped source to destination transform.  In these ActiveX scripts I am validating source data before passing it through to the destination.  However, I have not been able to find any way to log my own exception messages about the invalid data I find.  I have tried using the DTSPackageLog.WriteStringToLog method but it errors with something like "Object required: DTSPackageLog".  So where to I get a reference to a PackageLog and what log file does WriteStringToLog write to?  Is there another way to log messages from within a Transform Data Task ActiveX script?

    I know that you can "flip" over to complete program control of packages, steps and tasks and probably log exception messages but these seems like overkill to get message into a file.  I seem to be 95% there using the package designer but can't seem to complete with the exception logging I need.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks, Bryan.


  • Hi,

    Try to use file system object in your script and write your own exception file and send it to respective user.



    Kindest Regards,

    Saravanan V

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